- Under the control of modem constitutionalism, limited government is the only legal governmental mode. 摘要在现代立宪政体的规约下,有限政府是唯一合法存在的政府形态。
- The large-scale strike represents a rare example of wildcat work action in China, where the only legal trade union is affiliated with the ruling Communist party. 此次大规模的罢运是中国难得一见的非法工潮之一。中国唯一合法的工会组织受执政党共产党的领导。
- Should local governments in China be allowed to issue debt? 中国地方政府发债的前提与条件?
- He lives in Fuzhou and works for Fujian government in China. 现供职于福建省某政府机关。
- Zhongchao Hismart Information Technology (Beijing) Co.,LTD is a high-tech company holded by China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation, the only legal currency producer in China. 中钞海思资讯技术(北京)有限公司是我国唯一的法定货币印制机构“中国印钞造币总公司”旗下的承担货币电子化发展并提供资讯技术服务的控股子公司。
- A powerful government in China is able to sidestep all the political and legal complications and build world-class railroads, highways, water systems, and other networks overnight. 一个强有力的中国政府跨越了一切政治与法律,一夜之间建设了世界级的铁路、高速公路和水利等其他系统网络。
- He is the only legal heir of the rich man. 他是这位富翁的唯一法定继承人。
- Study on local government modes under the framework of constitutional government in China II. 宪政架构下的地方政府模式研究2。
- He says the Shanghai government is the most efficient and most uncorrupt city government in China. 他举了一个例子:他曾经想通过走后门来帮朋友获取特别通行证,结果走后门花了12天,他还要请吃饭。
- The construction of an economizing government in China has a cultural and ideological basis of long history. 摘要我国节约型政府的构建有着绵延的文化思想根基。
- Euro becomes only legal tender in 12 European nations. 欧元正式成为欧洲12国的唯一的法定货币。
- This is the first unenclosed government in China, where people can cross the hall at any time. 这是中国第一个不封闭的政府,人民群众可以随意进入政府办公大楼。
- The rapid rise of the QQ coin has caused angst for the government in China, where circulation and trade of the real currency is strictly controlled. 币的迅速崛起引起了中国政府的焦虑,在中国,现实中的货币的流通是被严密监管的。
- Party construction in non-publicly-owned economic system is actually a task to consolidate the CPC's government in China, politically and socially. 非公有制企业中党的建设问题,是直接关系到巩固党的执政基础和社会基础的重大课题。
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?
- I wouldn't marry him for all the tea in China. 有天大好处我也不嫁给他。
- He claimed that he was the only legal successor. 他声称自己是唯一合法的继承人。
- Qin also wades into a broader debate on the role of government in China's economy, coming down firmly on the side of the market. 他说,人们日益担心(尤其是在中国),临时刺激计划可能演变为政府对经济的永久控制。
- He inclined he is the only legal inheritor. 他声称自己是唯一合法的继承人。
- He declares that he is the only legal heritor. 他声称自己是唯一合法的继承人。