- And this performance boost may be critical to meet the demands of Internet commerce and online transaction processing applications in the future. 这种性能提高对满足未来因特网商务和联机交易处理应用的需求,可能是至关紧要的。
- Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) relational databases are optimal for managing changing data. 联机事务处理(OLTP)关系数据库最适合于管理变化的数据。
- Online transaction processing database applications are optimal for managing changing data. 联机事务处理数据库应用程序是管理不断变化的数据的最佳选择。
- Your data warehouse needs to be updated nightly from your Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) database. 您的数据仓库需要每晚从联机事务处理(OLTP)数据库进行更新。
- TPC-C is the most popular international online transaction process(OLTP) benchmark for DBMS. TPC-C是数据库管理系统在线事务处理(OLTP)性能测试的国际标准,已得到广泛的认可。
- They are applicable to the four kinds of online transaction of B2B, B2C, C2C and G2B (government to business). 它适用于B2B、B2C、C2C和G2B(政府商务)下的四种在线交易。
- Part of the process of building a data warehouse out of data coming from multiple online transaction processing (OLTP) systems. 从来自多个联机事务处理(OLTP)系统的数据生成数据仓库的进程的一部分。
- Many applications that use triggers, such as online transaction processing (OLTP) systems, can benefit from Service Broker. 使用触发器(如联机事务处理(OLTP)系统)的许多应用程序均可受益于Service Broker。
- All of our financial transaction services are executed through HighSwing processing, a veteran online transaction processing company. 所有我们的财务往来服务通过HighSwing处理,一家历练的网上事务公司所处理。
- Use the Database Engine to create relational databases for online transaction processing or online analytical processing data. 使用数据库引擎创建用于联机事务处理或联机分析处理数据的关系数据库。
- Stock exchange system based on data warehouse is developed on the basis of Online Transaction Processing(OLTP)and by importing Data Warehouse and OLAP. 基于数据仓库的证券交易系统就是在面向信息处理的联机事务处理(OLTP)系统的基础上并引入数据仓库和OLAP技术而发展起来的。
- Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) 9.4 is a best-of-breed online transaction processing (OLTP) database for enterprise and workgroup computing. 英孚美动态服务器(IDS)9.;4是给企业和工作组提供的最好的联机事务处理(OLTP)数据库。
- This paper introduces how to apply middleware of TUXEDO, and illustrates fault tolerant design in online transaction processing software using it. 本文主要研究了利用中间件TUXEDO技术以及该技术在联机事务处理应用软件中的容错设计方法。
- The handshake works the same way in online transactions. 握手的工作方式与在线事务相同。
- We believe that online market is a reprography of the traditional market, which is also the source from which online transaction problems are stemmed. 网上市场是对传统市场的模拟,网上交易中出现的现象也是网下社会经济问题的延伸和集中体现。
- Sybase is an online transaction processing-oriented, with high-performance, high reliability, a powerful relational database management system (RDBMS). Sybase是一个面向联机事务处理,具有高性能,高可靠性的功能强大的关系型数据库管理系统(RDBMS)。
- Reporting capabilities available through Ariba Supplier Network (Ariba SN) are useful in helping suppliers better understand and track online transaction activity. Ariba Supplier Network(Ariba SN)提供的报告功能可帮助供应商更好地理解并跟踪在线交易活动。
- In Microsoft SQL Server 2005, new Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), and data warehouse sample databases are provided. Microsoft SQL Server 2005中提供了新的联机事务处理(OLTP)、联机分析处理(OLAP)和数据仓库示例数据库。
- Generally this information is requested when you register for an online service or when you provide information in connection with an online transaction. 通常,当您注册联机服务或提供与联机交易相关的信息时,会要求您输入此信息。
- For example, if your application is oriented toward online transaction processing (OLTP), slow performance will quickly result in users wanting to abandon the system. 例如,如果你的程序是面向在线事务处理(OLTP)的,操作太慢很快就会导致用户产生放弃系统的念头。