- Swiss Blog is an online journal (Web-Log). 瑞士博客是一种网上日志。
- I keep an online journal at my website. 我的网站上有一个在线日志。
- Short for weblog, a blog is an unedited online journal. 网络日志的简写,博客是未经检查的网上杂志。
- A blog , or weblog , is an online journal, diary, or serial published by a person or group of people. 博客,或者网络日志,是在线日记,日志,或者一个人或者一群人连续发表的内容。
- Tatum,Balancing Energy and Comfort --Building Operating Man-agement Online Journal Facilitiesnet.2001. 程大章、沈晔.;"智能建筑"与物业设施管理
- R Tatum,Balancing Energy and Comfort --Building Operating Man-agement Online Journal Facilitiesnet.2001. 程大章、沈晔.;"智能建筑"与物业设施管理
- Ben is posting an online journal entry after talking to Jane. Fill in the blanks to complete the entry, using the information from the passage. 与简交谈过后,本正在贴网上日志。利用文中的信息填空并完成日志。
- An online journal, typically consisting of a personal diary or social and political commentary, sometimes with replies from readers or RSS feeds. 一种在线日志,以个人日记或社会和政治评论为典型,有时包含读者的回复或RSS源。
- This is a online journal of the life of mine, my dogs and people who are related to me. It's also a showcase of my writings and scrapbooking works. 这是一个网路日记,纪录我和我的狗,以及和我有关的人们的生活。同时这也是一个展示我的文字作品和剪贴簿作品的地方。
- You can start your online journal (aka blog or weblog) for free, share thoughts and favorite web sites with your friends and meet cool new friends! 你可以免费在线发表日志(也称作博客或网络日志),和朋友分享想法和喜欢的网站,结交与有趣的新朋友。
- Scholars do not write papers for money; the reviewers also do not get paid. Why, then, does academia not have a free, acclaimed online journal for all to see? 写文章的学者不是为了钱,审文章的学者也没有拿审查费,学术界为何不自己出版免费且评价高的期刊,直接放在网路上,谁都可以看得到?
- The findings, which researchers say could form the basis for a new early detection screen for certain cancers, are published today in the online journal Public Library of Science Medicine. 研究人员称,该发现可为某些癌症的新的早期筛查方法建立基础,其文章发表在今天的科学医学公共图书馆杂志网络版上。
- Aoki,K.& Pogroszewski,D.(1998).Virtual University Reference Model:A Guide to Delivering Education and Support Services to the Distance Learner,Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration,1(3). 吴庚生;张建伟;李绯;段崇江.;关于远程学习过程与效果的实证分析[R]
- Singapore schools have begun a clampdown on students who insult teachers in online journals by punishing them with suspensions, a newspaper reported. 新加坡的学校已经开始藉由停学处分,来惩罚在线上日记中侮辱师长的学生,一份报纸报导。
- Dental Study Club Online Journal 牙科研究俱乐部网络杂志
- Sometimes known as weblogs, blogs are online journals where you can share your ideas quickly in an informal, chronological format. 博客有时候也称为网络日志,它是可以以非正式格式并按时间顺序快速分享观点的联机日志。
- The web site provides information of people, graduate program, calender &events, library, research areas, and some online journals. 网站提供了有关该系的人员、科研、教育、活动、图书馆等方面的信息。
- He subscribed to a journal this year. 今年他订了一份期刊。
- He kept a journal of his wanderings across Asia. 他记自己漫游亚洲的日记。
- A representative was invited to speak at the International Symposium on Online Journalism, and similar presentations are being contemplated for the future. 很有代表性的是被邀请到在线新闻业国际专题讨论会演讲,而且预期在未来还有一个类似的陈述。