- online data migrating 联机数据迁移
- How Secure Are Online Data Backups? 安全的在线数据备份?
- The trouble related to the data migrating solution we provide will be escalated to appropriate party automatically if it is out of us. 如果我们对本公司提供的数据转移方案中出现的故障无能为力,该故障将被自动升级到适当一方。
- In IMS / VS, a batch processing program that has access to online data bases and message queues. 虚存信息管理系统(IMS/VS)中的一种成批处理程序,可以存取联机数据库和信息队列。
- Using the Sybase Central Data Migration wizard. 使用Sybase Central的[数据迁移]向导。
- Phone mode Phone operational state; idle, establishing line, online data and online command. 电话模式:包括电话操作状态;空闲、建立连线、通话以及通话命令。
- Online data files usered to reapply changes B.Undo segments used to roll back uncommitted changes C. 这种方式shutdown后,重新startup后:smon后台进程会自动做recovery instance工作: A.
- Functions overview of all measurement values and the state of each control loop in the main menu (incl.consumption-display) open online data exchange (DDE) to EXCEL. 功能监测所有主菜单中控制回路的每一测量值(包括补偿-显示);在线数据交换功能(DDE)到EXCEL.
- An animation of ladle tracking was developed to inform the schedulers of ladle behavior.The software was tested by online data. 为方便现场调度专家随时监控钢包的行为,开发了可视化钢包动态模拟画面,利用在线数据,进行离线仿真。
- Methods: The sequences of hppGalNAc-T family were analyzed using bioinformatics soft and online data base,and phylogenetic tree was also constructed. 方法:采用生物信息学软件和网上数据库对核酸蛋白质序列进行同源比较,结构域分析和进化树绘制。
- Fake Banks are a major chalenge to online data security : they provide a Direct Sream of personal and financial informations to online criminals. 根据在几年经验在网上市场上, 我们会集了网上欺骗一个巨大的数据库/在网上诈欺活动。
- Liabilities owed to be completed and online data bad after lifting the moratorium on new construction permits, the project planning and approval. 待清欠完毕并核销网上拖欠数据后,再解除暂停新上项目规划和施工许可证审批的处理。
- Documentation of available data migration and synchronization utilities. 可用数据迁移和同步实用程序的文档。
- Although the price quotation for the dual-stage backups and online data recovery solution is not a rip off, the other charges afterwards will be a big time pullback. 尽管本双步备份及在线数据恢复方案报价不过分,但日后的其它费用将是一笔大开销。
- And do any custom data migration work in your own after the update is finished. 下载更新,并在完成更新后自己执行任何自定义数据迁移工作。
- Their services are data migration, training, customisation, docketing services. 管理报告;专利局文件模板;系统安全和系统数据。
- The quality control and trace system of LG PHILIPS's CDT product line includes automatic bar code sticking by robot, online data gathering module and online data processing module. LG PHILIPS彩管生产线的质量控制与跟踪系统,包括机器人自动贴标、在线数据采集及在线数据处理模块。
- By analysis of test for model of hydropower station with inclined ceiling tailrace an online data acquisition, data analysis and control method availing to virtual instruments is designed. 通过对变顶高尾水洞大型水电站模型试验的分析,设计了一种用虚拟仪器技术,实现在线数据采集、数据分析和控制的方法。
- They develop a data migration scheme to merge existing user data and keep it updated on a continuous basis. 他们设计了数据迁移计划来合并现有的用户数据,并不断地保持更新。
- It provides services as follows: data migration, taining, customization, docketing services, annuity payment services. 它提供的服务主要有迁移数据、培训、用户定制化、知识产权和管理目录服务以及年金支付服务。