- To turn the links back on, change your online content settings. 要重新打开链接,请更改联机内容设置。
- It is common for authorities in China to censor online content. 这是共同为中国有关当局,以检查员的线上内容。
- Is lascivious online content, traditionally on top, losing its lustre? 在线淫秽内容历来风行,但如今渐入颓势?
- Filtering or rating of online content by governments is unacceptable. 政府不得屏蔽或者过滤互联网上的内容。
- Whenever the Help window is unable to get online content, it displays a warning message. 只要“帮助”窗口无法获取联机内容,它便会显示警告消息。
- The player wants to pay for online content with their existing channels, but they also want security and privacy. 玩家希望用他们现有的途径来支付他们的联网内容,但他们也需要安全和隐私。
- Connection (whether or not you have one), your online content settings, and your search scope. 连接(不管是否存在)、在线内容设置和搜索范围所影响。
- We want our online content to engage consumers and cause them to reappraise these ideas. 例子“想要戒烟但无法做到的女子。通常是关注自己外表、注意健康的成年人。
- Consumer Perceptions and Willingness to Pay for Intrinsically Motivated Online Content By: Lopes, Alexandre B.; Galletta, Dennis F. 消费者认知及其对内在驱动的在线内容的支付意愿。
- The government also adopted measures to control more tightly print, broadcast and electronic media, and censored online content. 政府也增加措施更加收紧地控制印刷、广播和电子传媒,以及审查网上的内容。
- By systemizing and automating all online content generation, WebWorks AutoMap frees up time for groups or individuals to focus on other tasks. 因此,它在加速印刷和在线内容发布的同时,提高了内容质量,节省了制作时间。
- Viacom 's latest moves in online content suggest the company sees its future in video-on-demand services delivered over a variety of platforms. 维亚康姆最近在在线内容方面的举动显示,该公司认为它的未来在于通过多样化的平台提供视频点播服务。
- On the other hand, the proliferation of information communication technologies (ICTs) has enabled the rapid growth of the online content industry. 此外,网路及资讯科技的进步,也促动了数位内容产业的快速成长。
- In the UK, several universities are developing online content, both to attract revenues from distance learners and to open up e-commerce opportunities. 在英国,有几所大学在开发网上内容,以便既从远程学习者那儿获得收入,也开辟电子商务机会。
- In the first study, a research model based the value-intention theory was proposed to investigate the purchasing behaviors of hedonic online content. 第一篇研究主要探讨影响消费者对于娱乐导向的线上内容采用的因素。
- When you're connected to Office Online from your 2007 Microsoft Office programs, you can find all the latest online content either on the program Spotlight or the Help Viewer. 当您从2007 Microsoft Office程序连接到Office Online时,可以在程序“聚焦”或帮助查看器上找到所有最新的联机内容。
- It allows each user to benefit from the insights of other users who place specific online content in context and share their reactions in the form of online marginalia. 它允许每位用户从其他用户在上下文中存放的特点在线内容中获益,并且可以在在线旁注的表格中分享反馈。
- To attract traffic, last year it flung open the doors to its collection of online “content” to every surfer;until then much of it had been available only to subscribers. 为了吸引交易,去年其对每位浏览者都敞开了其在线“内容”收藏的大门,而此前大部分收藏都只是针对订户开放。
- Our authors and designers understand the fundamentals of instructional design and eLearning development, and they will work closely with you to create online content that meets all of your training objectives. 我们的作者和设计者了解教学设计和课程开发的基础,并且他们将和您密切配合工作,以创建满足所有培训目标的内容。
- Schmidt said, “ we also know that the newspaper industry is very difficult to online content from their money on, but as the industry existing problem is not a single, it has no single solution to ”. 施密特说,“我们也知道报业很难从他们的在线内容上赚到钱,但正如造成该产业现有问题的原因不是单一的,现在也有没单一的解决办法”。