- However, through acquiring these two companies, WPP gets hold of over 30% of dealership in China’s online advertising market. 但通过收购这两家公司,WPP掌握了中国网络广告市场超过30%25的代理权。
- Some research firms found that during the quarter, Google widened its lead in overall searches and online advertising market share - evidence that the company is performing better than competitors. 一些研究公司发现,第一季度谷歌扩大了在总体搜索和在线广告市场份额上的领先优势,这表明谷歌的业绩优于竞争对手。
- "When one goes beyond the top properties it is clear how fragmented the online advertising market is, underscoring the importance of advertising networks in aggregating the long tail. “当一个人超越了顶端性能的很清楚,如何支离破碎的在线广告市场是,强调必须在网络广告总额为长尾巴” 。
- Interactive Forum: Competing and Sharing: Grasping the Opportunity of China Online Advertising Market David Kenny Mr.Daniel Lopatin 互动论坛:国际竞合把握网络广告市场的中国机会
- Online advertising is possibly the best way to market a product. 在线广告可能是将产品推向市场的最好方式。
- High interest in e-commerce or online advertising. 对于电子商务或在线广告有浓厚兴趣。
- Founder of AdPacs Online Advertising Service. 创始人AdPacs在线广告服务。
- online advertising market 在线广告市场
- But the recession has hurt the advertising market. 但是经济衰退影响了广告市场。
- Google's deal for DoubleClick has raised hackles on both sides of the Atlantic and is forcing regulators to wrestle with how to define and approach the fast-changing market for online advertising. 谷歌此举同时引起了大西洋两岸的监管部门的关注,面对瞬息万变的网络广告市场,这宗交易迫使监管部门在如何界定和对待这个市场方面费尽心思。
- Britain is now the leading market for online advertising, says Rob Noss, European chief executive of MindShare Interaction, a new-media subsidiary of WPP, a British advertising giant. 英国广告巨头WPP(注3)的新媒体子公司MindShareInteraction的首席执行官RobNoss认为,目前英国在网络广告市场占主导地位。
- Some of the advertising market unilateral sensationalism, but it is small. 有些楼盘的广告片面追求轰动效应,虚多实少。
- My company already has advertising done on newspapers and magazines, do I still need online advertising? 我们公司已经在报刊杂志上作了广告,还需要通过网络做广告吗?
- Despite growing Web use in Asia, Internet start-ups cannot rely on online advertising to make money. 尽管亚洲网络用户越来越多,新创立的网络公司却不可能依靠网上广告赚取利润。
- Fourthly, it will table a proposal of depurating advertising market. 第四,以广告传播对道德资本的应用为基点,对如何规范广告市场提出几点建议。
- You need a way to tap into this new world, online advertising can help in four key elements: A. 你需要一个方法有效的进入这个新的世界,在线的网络广告将给予你以下四个独特的优点
- Online advertising will pay for everything. As if click fraud is any kind of a threat. 在线广告将支付一切。就好像恶意点击能搞定一切。
- Although travel sites are likely to pull TV, radio and print ads, they would pump more dollars into online advertising. 虽然旅游网站会做电视、电台和印刷广告,但他们愿意把更多的钱投到在线广告上。
- In addition, the online advertising rates lower the price, return on investment would become easy to quantify. 此外,网络广告费率价格更低,投资回报率也更加容易量化。
- A newspaper that tries to charge will jeopardise online advertising, which often accounts for 10-15% of revenues. 收费将会危及占总收入10-15%25的在线广告收入。