- one touch dial 单触式拨号盘
- Lest one touch of this heart convey its grief. 这颗心一经接触,就泄露了悲哀。
- One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. 自然情感的流露,使人们更亲近。
- One touch: it burns and sickens. 一碰:它即燃烧并恶心。
- One touch of a button frothing is an incredible feature. 一按按钮就产生泡沫,这玩意儿真是太神奇了。
- I touch no one and no one touches me. 我不与人接触,也没人接触我。
- Just one touch is more.I can feel the rain I can hear the wind call your name. 我看的见太阳,我可以感觉到雨水的冰凉。
- One kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand than an eternity without it. 轻吻她双唇,抚摸她双手,而放弃永生。
- One breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand. 闻一下她的头发,吻一下她的唇,抚摸一下她的手。
- Easy To Use:One touch button design makes operating your Rightest GM100 easy. 实用方便:一键操作的设计让您轻松使用。
- Tea was brought in,but no one touched it. 茶端了来,但谁也不喝。
- Tea was brought in, but no one touched it. 茶端了来,但谁也不喝。
- I'm not. No one touches the C. O. 我没有 谁也不许动这个狱警。
- No one touched them. Imagine that happening in New York. 谁也没碰这些东西。设想这要是在纽约,情况会怎样。
- I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand than eternity without it. 我宁可为呼吸她飘散在空气中的发香、轻吻她双唇、抚摩她双手,而放弃永生。更何况是一个困顿长夜的等候?
- There were doorknobs and doorbells where one touch had covered another beforehand. 还有事前已被触摸的。
- Call the number in mobile phone contacts with digital cordless telephone through one touch. 手机电话薄通过数字无绳使用座机一键快捷呼出。
- They are left there to be sold the next day. No one touches them. 它们就放在那里,第二天再卖。没有人会碰它们。
- I would rather hane had one breath of her hair,one kiss of her mouth,one touch of her hand than an eternity without it. (如果可以呼吸到她飘散在空气中的发香; 轻吻她的双唇;抚摩她的双手我宁愿放弃永生.
- I would rahter have had one breath of her hair, One kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand than an eternity without it. 我宁可呼吸到她飘散在空气中的发香,亲吻她双唇,抚摩她双手,而放弃永生。