- one shot timer 单次计时器
- It was even modeled and animated for the one shot. 他只有一个电影镜头,已经建模并制作了动画。
- I thought she had a hundred to one shot at the job. 我认为她得到那份工作的概率是一百一。
- He downed the glass in one shot. 他将杯中的酒一饮而尽。
- With one shot he brought down the lion. 他一枪就打倒了那只狮子。
- With one shot he brought down the tiger. 他一枪就打倒了那只老虎。
- We only have one shot at this and then it's gone. 然后生命就消失了。祝愿大家生活幸福。
- He brought the bird down with one shot. 他一枪就把鸟打了下来。
- He hit the target with one shot. 他一枪击中了目标。
- One free throw scores one point,one shot scores two points. 罚中一次中一分,投中一次记两分。
- One free-throw scores one point,and one shot scores two points. 罚中一次得1分,投中一次得2分。
- Lose Yourself Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity. 好,如果你有一次良机,一次机会。
- It means the ball went into the hole in only one shot. 哦,就是一杆把球打到那个洞里面,非常的酷哦。
- One free-throw scores one point, and one shot scores two points. 罚中一次得1分,投中一次得2分。
- One free-throw scores one point, one shot scores two points. 罚中一次中一分,投中一次记两分。
- Van Exel immediately was fouled but made just one shot. 范疯子被犯规,可惜只罚中一球。
- One shot fetched him down. 一枪就把他打倒了。
- A solid spherical or pointed projectile, such as one shot from a cannon. 炮弹一固体球状物或尖形射弹,如从大炮中射出的炮弹
- Masturbation is not a good thing when one shoots blanks repeatedly. 这是华航启航不久时的东西。大家回顾一下。
- Sternwood: My respects to you, sir. Few men ever swapped more than one shot with Sean Regan. 施特恩伍德:向你致敬,先生。很少有人能和肖恩瑞根互相射击两枪以上。