- One effect of overeating may be obesity. 吃得过多能导致痴肥。
- But like tear gas, it has only one effect: incapacitation. 但是,正如催泪弹一样,它只有一个作用:削弱。
- Multi effect Evaporator and Fluidized Bed Reactor(FBR)are major parts of the system. 该系统的主体设备包括多效蒸发器和流化床反应器。
- For example, one effect of a weak economy is less demand for office space. 例如,经济疲软的影响之一是对办公场地的更少的需求。
- "Acme " , of Lei Jun work what the style emphasizes is this one effect. “极致”,雷军的做事风格强调的是这一效果。
- Urgent urgent! Urethral and calculous? Holmium laser, operation is that one effect better? 急急急!尿道结石?钬激光,手术那一个效果更好?
- Yet one effect could be to restrain Mr Brown's inclination and ability to build a political recovery on profligacy. 其后果之一可能是,他无法如愿通过慷慨的财政支出刺激经济来恢复其政治地位。
- As Claudia Blume reports from Hong Kong, one effect has been rising national pride. 所有这些天灾人祸加在一起,所产生的一个效应,是增进了中国人的民族自豪感。
- Researches say one effect is that the higher the debts, the more likely graduates are to look only for high paying jobs. 研究结果是说,高债务,毕业生更可能找高薪职位。
- One effect of the 1970s oil shock was to encourage people to buy cars with diesel engines, which are usually more efficient than Otto-cycle engines. 20世纪70年代出现的石油危机其中的一个影响就是导致人们去购买热效率比奥托循环发动机(汽油机)高的柴油机。
- Warp-in of Protoss buildings should be one effect for all with the final frames unique showing the specific buildings structure phasing in. 神族建筑的扭曲的现象还是会在建筑物建造完成时出现.
- Proximity to the eye is one effective way of magnifying visual material. 目光接近是增加物体视觉效果的一种有效方法。
- By the nerve that send a person one spinal cord erects centre one efferent nerve one effect implement the nerve reflex arc of phallic sponge body is finished. 由传人神经一脊髓勃起中枢一传出神经一效应器阴茎海绵体的神经反射弧完成。
- Non-individual tort without idea connection includes both joint injurious act with direct connection and tort with indirect-connection of "several causes and one effect". 摘要不存在意思联络的数人侵权既包括直接结合的共同侵权行为,又包括间接结合的“多因-果”的侵权行为。
- A mathematical model of cocurrent multi effect evaporation with solid separation was established. 建立了带有固相析出的并流多效蒸发系统的数学模型。
- Of the study decorate must consider quiet, daylighting enough, be helpful for focussing attention, need of this one effect is built with colour, illume, decorations. 书房的装修必须考虑安静、采光充足、有利于集中注重力,这一效果需要用色彩、照明、饰物来营造。
- The same initial alteration of code can have one effect on the growing microscopic fetus and another effect on the sexually mature organism, if it survives that long. 当初做过相同改动的代码,会在成长中的极小的胚胎上产生一种效果,而在性成熟的生命体上(如果胚胎能存活到那一步)产生另一种效果。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- The mathematical model of optimum design of cocurrent multi effect evaporation system with solid separation was established. 建立了带有固相析出的并流多效蒸发系统优化设计数学模型。
- In the cleaner production of MSG,the four effect evaporation system was used to concentrate the glutamic acid isoelectric mother solution. 在味精清洁生产工艺中,利用四效蒸发技术来浓缩谷氨酸等电结晶母液,所得的蒸发凝结水因COD值稍高而不能直接排放。