- The Problem of Management and Service After One House One Meter Change 一户一表改造后的用电管理及服务问题
- one house one meter 一户一表
- The boy is one meter tall in his stocking feet. 这个小男孩不穿鞋的身高是一米。
- The passage is only one meter in the clear. 这过道内宽仅为一米。
- This is one meter long, the other one is shorter. 这个是一米长的,另一个要短一些。
- More than one house was burnt down in the fire. 不只一间房屋在火灾中被烧毁。
- Please enter into the house one after another. 请逐一进入房间。
- You should sit one meter from a heater. 你应该坐在离暖气一米远的地方。
- The tree is one meter in diameter. 这棵树直径达一米。
- The ice is more than one meter thick. 冰有一米多厚。
- It's hard to choose one house among so many nice ones. 这么多漂亮房子,真难从中挑选出一座来。
- The width of this painting is exactly one meter. 这幅画的宽度正好是一米。
- One hundred centimeters make one meter. 一百公分等于一公尺。
- The diameter of the column is one meter. 柱子的直径是一米。
- It take me about two hour and a half to dig a hole one meter in diameter and two meter in depth. 挖一个直径为1米、深为2米的洞大约要花费我两个小时半的时间。
- A dusky tumult would flap its wings from one house to another. 一阵破晓时的喧闹将从一家飞到另一家。
- There are two kangaroo jump in house one behind the other one. 房子里有两只袋鼠在一前一后的跳着。
- One house in this ruin, the farmhouse, is still inhabited. 在那废墟里只有一所房子,那便是庄屋,还有人住着。
- The ground near Xingtai suddenly moved one meter to one side. 靠近邢台的地面突然向一侧滑移了一米。
- The iris of the eye is photographed from up to one meter away. 眼睛的虹膜最远可在一公尺外的距离接受摄影。