- I dreamed about my native village. 我梦见我的家乡。
- My native village was ravaged seriously in the war. 我的故乡在战争中受到严重的蹂躏。
- My native village is ringed with hills. 我的家乡四面环山。
- He fled his native village to join the Red Army. 他当年逃离家乡去参加红军。
- Kikuyu grass( Pemdsetum dandestinwn) s native in eastern Africa. 东非狼尾草(Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst.;ex Chiov
- He was to flee his native village to join the rebel army. 他被迫逃离家乡参加了叛军。
- It was a great satisfaction to have revisited our native village. 重访家乡是非常愉快的事。
- Carrie did not want to stay poked up in his native village. 卡里不肯呆在他的本村。
- He was forced to flee his native village to join the rebel army. 他被迫逃离家乡参加了叛军。
- He had been used to being of cock of the walk in his native village. 他已惯于在乡里称王称霸了。
- He returned to his native village,where he spend the last few year of his life. 他回到了他出生的村庄,在那里度过了他生命的最后几年。
- Androgyny as a thought which came of matriarchy embodied the primitive people’s native consciousness of equal gender. “双性同体”这一源于母系社会时期的思想,体现了远古人类朴素的性别平等意识。
- Before liberation famine forced his father to flee his native village. 解放前饥荒逼得他的父亲逃离家乡。
- Before liberation famine forced his friend to flee his native village. 解放战争前饥饿迫使他的朋友逃离他自己的村庄。
- Often see public opinion refuting foreign festival And prevailing when at home, assault China\'s native traditional culture. 在国内的时候常常见到舆论批驳洋节盛行,冲击了中国本土传统文化。
- The interpreter takes incoming Java code and transforms much of it into the CPU's native code, saving the JVM the trouble. 这是我在今天翻译的一篇稿子当中的一个句子,用法与你所贴的句子一样。
- Back in 1937, when the Japanese invaded China, he had been a schoolteacher in this, his native village. 他是本镇人,一九三七年日本侵华时,他在这里教书。
- A Native Village site in scenario 4 could not be built upon, apparently because a tree was too close. 场景4的一个土著居住地没法建造,明显是因为有棵树太近了。
- He returned to his native village, where he spend the last few year of his life. 他回到了他出生的村庄,在那里度过了他生命的最后几年。
- For floating-point instructions, NASM accepts a wide range of syntaxes: you can use two-operand forms like MASM supports, or you can use NASM's native single-operand forms in most cases. 对浮点数,NASM接受广泛的语法形式:你可以使用类似MASM的双操作数形式,也可以使用NASM的单操作数形式。