He waded into the morning rs mail. 他精神饱满地开始处理早晨的信件。
One reason for her success is a relentless passion to do things her way, which makes me just another employee. 她取得成功的一个原因是,以饱满的热情按自己的方式工作,于是我就成了公司里的另一名职员。
Not having enough sleep ,one can not work normally. 没有充足的睡眠人们就不能正常工作。
In short, he removes any grounds for boasting in one's self-sufficiency. 也就是说,神要令那些自以为充足的人没有夸口的馀地。
Try to have one similar leg in the pedigree. 繁育时应该尽量延续血统的特征。
Please fill in the form below as completely as possible. 请尽量完整而清晰的填写以下表格。
We danced to our hearts rs content. 我们尽情跳舞。
Sing as though no one can hear you. 尽情唱歌吧,就像没有人聆听一样。