- Does the quality of teaching depend on class size? 教学质量取决于每个班的人数吗?
- Research and Experiment on Class Size in the U.S. 美国关于班级规模的实验与研究。
- Expose interfaces on class hierarchies. 在类层次中暴露接口。
- On class struggle in socialist society. (二)社会主义社会的阶级斗争。
- A course library page supports student work on class assignments. 有课程图书馆网页支持学生的课堂作业.
- Thirty years ago, he says acidly, "people were focused on class struggle. 三十年前,他讽刺道,“人民关注于阶级斗争。
- Assault and Battery:The consequences of unarmed brawling depend on class. 殴打和人身攻击:阶级的差别决定了非武装性斗殴的结果。
- Don't localize your study on classes. 不要把自己的学习只局限于课堂。
- The two professors will alternate in giving the class lecture. 这两位教授交替着给这个班上课。
- Some of the assignments refer to files that are located on class machines. 有些作业的参考文件就放在上课使用的计算机里。
- The coloured students held a one-week moratorium on classes to oppose racism. 黑人学生举行罢课一周反对种族歧视。
- But after that session,he personally focused on class struggle by initiating the movement of the "four clean-ups". 但是,十中全会以后,他自己又去抓阶级斗争,搞“四清”了。
- The colored students held a one-week moratorium on classes to oppose racism. 黑人学生举行罢课一周反对种族歧视。
- But after that session, he personally focused on class struggle by initiating the movement of the "four clean-ups". 但是,十中全会以后,他自己又去抓阶级斗争,搞“四清”了。
- Our way of building morale depends on class consciousness and hardly could be used except in a revolutionary war. 我们提高士气的方法是靠阶级觉悟,这种方法只在革命战争中才可以运用。
- The handouts below supplement the class lecture notes and provide questions to guide students' readings. 以下的文章是作为课程讲稿的补充,另外可以提供问题以引导学生阅读。
- The coloured students held a one - week moratorium on classes to oppose racism. 黑人学生举行罢课一周反对种族歧视。
- On the macrosystem level , the influence of socio-cultural value on class curriculm is discussed. 在宏观系统层面,主要讨论了社会文化价值观对班级课程的影响。
- For one thing, I will not forget my last semester at Bucknell.I spent more time socializing than I spent on class work. 就这样,把自己当做独立个体的无明,形成一切问题的来源。
- Devote 1-2 pages to this. No extra reading needed here: derive from class lectures and discussions, assigned readings and other sources of information that you may already have. 请用1-2页篇幅作简介,无需额外阅读资料:请自课堂演讲与讨论,指定阅读材料及其他已经拥有的资讯著手