- The men were on trial for their crimes. 那些人因他们的罪行而被审讯中。
- He was put on trial for fraud/theft. 他因诈骗/偷盗而受审。
- Bill Robinson is on trial for murder. 比尔?鲁滨逊因谋杀而受审。
- She will stand trial/go on trial for fraud. 她因涉嫌诈骗将受到审判。
- We had the machine on trial for a week. 这台机器我们已经试用了一个星期。
- The man was on trial for killing sb. 此人因杀人而受审。
- They will put Jim on trial for war crimes. 他们要以战争犯审判Jim。
- He was on trial for allegedly murdering his wife. 他声称自己杀了妻子,所以在受审。
- Toby was on trial for several murders. 陶比因多起谋杀案而受到审判。
- He's been in the dock(= on trial for a crime)several times already. 他已受审多次。
- I am willing to serve on trial for some months at a small salary. 本人愿在开始的数月接受低微的薪金试用。
- I am willing to sere on trial for some months at a small salary. 开始试用,本人愿以低微的薪金工作数月。
- A doctor who refused to give treatment is on trial for medical malpractice. 一位曾拒绝医疗的医师因有渎医职而在接受审判。
- Placed on trial for espionage, Amidala and Anakin were sentenced for execution. 他俩因从事间谍活动而遭到审判,随后被判处死刑。
- The firm is on trial for refusing to roll back its pay increases to the level allowed by law. 这家公司因拒绝将工资增加的数额减低到法律许可的水平而受审。
- The flier is flying a new-type jet plane on trial. 飞行员正在驾驶一架新式喷气机作试验飞行。
- She was put on trial for fraud. 她因涉及诈骗罪而受审。
- He's on trial for his life. 他正在受决定他生死的审判,
- The product is on trial in our laboratory. 该产品正在由我们实验室做测试。
- Take the machine on trial fora week. 把这机器试验一星期。