A picture on a screen that represents a specific command. 命令符号屏幕上代表特殊命令的图像符号
A device that gives information in a visual form, as on a screen. 显示器,指示器一种以视觉方式显示信息的装置,如荧光屏显示
A machine for projecting the images of opaque objects or transparencies on a screen. 透反射两用幻灯机用于将不透明或透明物体的影象投影到屏幕上的机器
Identification of information displayed on a screen for subsequent computer processing, by pointing to it with a mouse. 用鼠标器(或其它选图设备)检取显示在屏幕上需要的信息,以供计算机做下一步的处理。