- Love is the grandest thing on God’s earth ,but fortunate the lover who has plenty of money. 爱情是上帝的创造中最高尚的事物,但拥有金钱的人,能使爱情更加幸福。
- She is found nowhere on God's earth. 哪里都找不到她。
- This ethical framework relies on God's revelation. 这个伦理框架建立在上帝给予的启示上。
- The Biblical emphasis was on God's love and mercy. 《圣经》强调的是上帝的爱和仁慈。
- He also wept profusely while meditating on God. 他在冥想神的时候也在哭泣。
- Impossibilities compel us to rely on God. 越是困难,就越促使我们依靠上帝。
- Love is the grandest thing on God's earth, but fortunate the lover who has plenty of money. 爱情是上帝的创造中最高尚的事物,但拥有金钱的人,能使爱情更加幸福。
- After in sight eye is about to wear a many century, the Chinese people of on God's earth oneiromancy hundred years. 在望眼欲穿一个多世纪后,普天之下的炎黄子孙将圆梦百年。
- Do you listen in on God's council? Do you limit wisdom to yourself? 你曾听见上帝的密旨吗?你还将智慧独自得尽吗?
- Frank:Sometimes I would like to get my hands on God. 弗兰克:“有时候我真想将双手交给上帝。”引用:
- From long standing Milky Way galaxy, to gestate a seven colors bright jewel, it’s earth. 漫长的岁月洪流,地球横眉冷对一次又一次的灾难与浩劫,甚至慧星群的无情洗礼。
- Meditate on God Himself &God's words through devotion. 灵修时默想神自己(沉念)、默想神的话。
- The living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's stage. 生还者认识到,他们不过是上帝的舞台上有知觉的木偶而已。
- The buzz of excitement about WWF's Earth Hour is sweeping across Hong Kong.You can now find the Earth Hour tram and buses running around Hong Kong. 在香港,地球一小时同样获得社会各界广泛的支持,地球一小时的电车和巴士广告正穿梭于香港的大街小巷。
- After previewing the plans for what's ahead this year, we're asking everyone to stick around for a party in honor of WWF's Earth Hour campaign. 在预览了现有计划后,我们召集大家参加下面的聚会,以纪念世界自然基金会发起的“地球一小时”熄灯活动。
- We depend on God; we depend on inner tranquility and a clear conscience. 我们倚靠上帝,倚靠我们内边的安宁与清白的良知。
- So that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power. 叫你们的信不在乎人的智慧,只在乎上帝的大能。
- I knowed it! I always been on God's side, even when things was the blackest. 我知道,我总是在上帝的这一边,即使在事态最黑暗的時候。
- By meditating on an incarnation of God one meditates on God Himself. 通过冥想一个神的化身,就会冥想到神本身。”
- There is only one way for Christian that is to depend on God and pray. 基督徒只有一个依靠,那就是依靠上帝;只有一个法宝,那就是祈祷。