- Generating company bid on marginal cost in a perfect power market,but manipulate market with the use of market power in a real oligopoly market. 完全竞争电力市场中,发电公司按机组边际成本报价。 而在实际的寡头电力市场,发电公司利用其市场力操纵市场,常常采用抬高报价和持留容量这两种策略。
- The banking industries of both China and the western countries have the same oligopoly market structure: super, medium and small-sized banks coexist. 但是作为一种衍生金融工具,信用联结票据在转移信用风险的同时也会带来新的风险。
- The actual electricity market is more likely an oligopoly market than a perfect competitive market and the power suppliers can obtain excess profits by strategic bidding. 实际的电力市场往往更接近于寡头市场,发电厂商可以通过策略性的报价获得超额利润。
- The banking industries in both China and the western countries have the same oligopoly market structure: super, medium and small-sized banks coexist.Why have they got a different correlativity? 中国与欧美国家相比,银行业都呈现出大中小银行共存、寡头垄断型市场结构,但为什么市场结构与绩效却存在不同的相关性呢?
- It also analysises the type of market competition of the Cigarette Industry,and proposes the establishment of an Oligopoly Market is the objective of reorganization of the Tobacco Enterprises. 本文从博弈的角度解释了这种现象的产生原因,并分析了我国卷烟行业的市场竞争类型,提出建立寡头垄断市场是重组卷烟企业的目标。
- The firms usually conspire on price in the oligopoly markets according to the theory of microeconomics and industry organization, thus forming a par monopoly market. 依照微观经济学和产业组织理论,高度集中产业市场中的寡头厂商往往会在价格变量上形成暗中或默契的价格串谋,使产业市场处在一种“准完全垄断”的状态。
- As the number of sellers in an oligopoly grows larger an oligopolistic market looks more and more like a competitive market. 随着寡头市场上卖者数目的增加,寡头市场越来越象竞争市场。
- network-type oligopoly market structure 网络型寡占市场结构
- Collusive price leadership characterizes oligopolistic markets. 串通式价格领导具有寡占市场的特征。
- Analysis of Oligopoly Market Based-on Principal-agent Theory 基于委托-代理机制的寡占市场分析
- Analysis of a Game with Bounded Rationality in Oligopoly Market 寡占市场中有限理性博弈模型分析
- Uncertainty in oligopolistic markets can be reduced by collusion. 不确定性在市场垄断市场上可能被阴谋减少。
- Because the number of firms in an oligopolistic market is small each firm must act strategically. 由于在寡头市场中企业的数目很少,因此每家企业都必须按战略行事。
- Abstract: Oligopolistic market structure of west country was formatted at the beginning of 20th century. 摘要: 西方国家寡头垄断市场结构大致形成于 19 世纪末 20 世纪初。
- The oligopolistic market structure is loose and it, could keep an appropriate speed of technological innovation. 这种寡占型市场结构是一种松散型寡占结构,有利于保持适度的技术创新速度。
- The oligopolistic market structure, many scholars have put forward to explain the model. 对于寡头垄断市场结构,学界也提出了众多解释的模型。
- The company hopes to boost its market share. 该公司希望增加其市场份额。
- The petrol market is an oligopoly. 汽油市场被垄断。
- Market dull and slacken no business report. 市场萧条胩衰退,没有有关交易的报道。
- In the more perfect competition or oligopolistic market competition in the regional market prices can not be used Cuanhuo the price of regional or when the price cut. 在较完全竞争或区域市场寡头竞争的市场价格采用不可窜货价的区域或时断价格.