- The villa is famous for its old style. 这所别墅以古旧的风格而著名。
- old style figure 古体阿拉伯数字
- I don't get very excited about old style houses. 我不是很热衷于老式房子。
- The villais famous for its old style. 这所别墅以古旧的风格而著名。
- The villa isi amous for its old style. 这所别墅以古旧的风格而著名。
- Bookman Old Style,Comic Sans Ms,Courier New. 中文字型-标楷体;细明体;新细明体.
- An old style door in the patio area. 天井里故意做旧的铁门。
- Festooned doors are commonly seen in old style courtyards. 垂花门在旧式宅院中是很常见的。
- Since September a new book hewing closer to the old style has replaced it. 九月,它就被一本遵守旧样式的教材取而代之了。
- old style figures 老式数字体
- I like the elegant atmosphere of the old styles. 我喜欢老式舞的优雅气氛。
- I like the elegant atmo here of the old styles. 我喜欢老式舞的优雅气氛。
- As John Adams embodied the old style, Andrew Jackson embodied the new. 正象约翰·阿达姆斯体现了旧风格,安德鲁·杰克逊体现了新风格。
- This style is an improvement upon the old styles in many respects. 这个款式比起旧的款式,在许多方面都有所进步。
- The Professor: I believe that the old style of opera was the pinnacle of art. 老夫子:我相信旧剧总是艺术的结晶。
- These 8 and 8.5 cubic feet refrigerator take no more shipping space than the old style 6 cubic feet model. 本公司生产的8或8。5立方英尺的冰箱,与旧型6立方英尺的装运体积大小相似,所占装运空间不大。
- You original old style, all has not changed. I come Taibei am cooperate for and you open a slum joint. 你还是原来的老样子,一点都没有变。我来台北就是为了和你合作开个珠宝店的。
- The brown-panelled parlour was furnished all in old style, and with real old furniture. 这间装有褐色镶板的客厅,一切摆设都古香古色,都是真正的古老家具。
- Old style: Nineteeth and twentieth century revival forms of "old face" type styles. Also grouped under Garalde by BS. 古风体:十九及廿世纪时采用古体的字型而从新设计的字体。英国标准亦把它纳入‘加拉迪’体类别内。
- Fourth Age1 was the year that began according to the New Reckoning In March25,3021, old style . 译:第四纪元年从新历实行那年的旧历3021年3月25日开始。