- Your sister is an extremely enterprising old girl. 你妹妹真是一个绝对地敢作敢为的老姑娘。
- Perhaps he'll hook out one of his old girl friends. 也许他能从他原来的女朋友中找一个。
- The old girl next door has died. 隔壁的老太太去世了。
- It was Old Girls' Weekend at her school. 那一天是她学校里的女校友周末联欢日。
- Year old girl hiccups for five weeks. 打嗝五周被止住。
- He called his mother "old girl", too. 他还管他母亲叫“老太婆”呢。
- Heidi is a cheerful, loving 5-year old girl. 自小失去双亲的凯迪是一位活泼可爱的五岁小女孩。
- Who was that old girl you were speaking to just now? 刚才和你谈话的那个老太婆是谁?
- Which do you think is better as a gift for a fifteen year old girl? 给15岁的女孩子做礼物,你认为哪件较好呢?
- The two - year - old girl slapped jam on the steamed bun. 这个两岁的小女孩往馒头上涂了许多果酱。
- The 3-year old girl had onset of paralysis on 4 June. 1名3岁的女孩于6月4日发生麻痹。
- The older girls were making sport of her. 这些年纪较大的女孩子在开她的玩笑。
- Shortly my arrival at the school , I was befriended by an old girl. 我到学校不久便得到了一个年龄较大的女孩的友善对待。
- A 18 year old girl fakes kidnapping to test police efficiency. 重庆一18岁女孩假装被绑架以测试警察工作效率。
- She slavishly copies the older girl's style. 她盲目地模仿那个较大女孩的风格。
- The water in Yalong Bay is clear and usually peaceful, like a 18year old girl. 亚龙湾的水总是清澈平静,就像18岁的少女。
- Old girls, now rejected, would quote chapter and verse. 过去的女朋友,现在失宠了,会提出旁证。
- Method Case 1, a 17 years old girl, was operated on for right ear progressive hearing lose and tinnitus for2 years. 方法例1,女性17岁,右耳进行性听力下降伴耳鸣2年半。
- A16- old girl runs away from a dangerous man and gets into a faraway village near the border. 一名16岁的少女从一个危险的男人身边逃走,来到遥远的边境小村。