- The old cat quietly packed up in his sleep. 那只老猫在睡梦中静静地死去。
- Be on your guard against Miss Thompson. She's an old cat. 你要当心汤普森小姐,她是个脾气很坏的老太婆。
- Do you ever know a kitty bring a mouse to the old cat? 反哺之猫世间无。
- I think it is kinder to put the old cat out of its misery. 我想杀死那只老猫以解除其苦会是一种更善良的做法。
- Do you ever know a kitty brings a mouse to the old cat ? 反哺之猫世间无。
- Do you ever know a kitty bring a mouse to the old cat. 反哺之猫世间无。
- One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. 一天,老猫看见一只老鼠,它跳过去,把老鼠抓住了。
- Our old cat developed leukaemia and we had to have her put to sleep. 我们的那只老猫得了白血病,结果,我们只好人道地把它杀了。
- The old cat whose child has just been dead is knelling all the time. 那只刚刚失去孩子的老猫不停地发出悲哀的声音。
- If I have to crawl on my belly to every fat old cat who hates me, I'll do it. 即使我必须五体投地爬到每一位恨我的胖老猫面前去,我也心甘情愿。
- Introduction: Old cat will be able to hit with salted fish, of course, take the money, if you wish. 老猫就能拿咸鱼砸,当然拿钱也一样,如果你愿意。
- All right, the at least old cat is able to always accompany him to almost swooning with fright. 也好,至少老猫还会一直陪伴他到魂飞魄散。
- We grumbled and complained, and some girls called the head a "horrid old cat" because the dormitory was so far from the class-rooms and we had to sally out before it was light. 所以我们咒诅和怨恨,甚至于有的同学已经在骂着,骂着校长是“混蛋”,不应该把宿舍离开学校这样远,不应该在天还不亮就让学生们从宿舍出发。
- By colluding with the jealous Big Lan, the voracious Old Cat killed Little Lan and wanted to appropriate all the magic Ma Lan Flower by himself. 贪心的老猫利用姐姐大兰的嫉妒,害死了小兰,企图把神奇的马兰花窃为已有。
- Old Cat welcomes discussions in peace, but declines quarrels. If you have excessive adrenaline, you are advised to let it out on forums. 老猫欢迎心平气和的讨论,但谢绝争吵。如果你肾上腺素过多,建议去论坛发泄。
- The old lady fondled her cat as it sat beside her. 老妇人抚摸着蹲在身边的小猫。
- However, greedy Old Cat made use of the jealousy of elder sister Da Lan to kill Xiao Lan, in an attempt to keep the magic Malan flower under her possession. 然而贪婪的老猫利用了大兰的嫉妒心害死了小兰,并企图骗取马兰花的口诀。
- Scarlett and Pitty, startled and bewildered, looked at each other in wonderment and, like a lean old cat, India streaked across the room to Melanie's side. 思嘉和皮蒂姑妈都惊呆了,她俩面面相觑,不知道这是怎么回事,英迪亚像一只老瘦猫,一下子蹿到了媚兰身边。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那个老人有无穷的智慧。