- Yogurt Cleanser; bleach; for normal and oily skin. 酸奶清洁,漂白。中性至油性皮肤使用。
- Suit for oily skin and light-feeling-like skin. 适用于油性肌肤及喜欢清爽感觉的肌肤。
- For oily skin - Sandalwood is a natural astringent. 油性皮肤:檀香木是一种天然收敛剂。
- What dispel whelk does oily skin use? 油性皮肤用什么祛青春痘?
- I am oily skin, what can accuse oil? 我是油性皮肤啊,什么可以控油呢?
- Oily skin may not need moisturizers in the first place. 首先油性皮肤可以不需要保湿面霜。
- I have oily skin and some acne, which FB products fit my skin? 答:是,有五款是纯包装进口,其它是在国内分装(品的质量您放心,因为我们更关心产品的品质。
- I have oily skin, what is the best way to keep make up on? 我是油性肌肤,要怎样才能使我的妆持久些?
- For oily skin, normal skin, mixed skin, acne skin and comedo skin. 适用肌肤:中性、油性、混合性皮肤、痤疮皮肤、黒头皮肤。
- With what cosmetic precaution does oily skin give whelk? ? ? ? 油性皮肤用什么化妆品预防出青春痘????
- Namely: Neuter skin, drying skin, oily skin and mixture sex skin. 即:中性皮肤、干性皮肤、油性皮肤和混合性皮肤。
- Suitable for general oily skin or oily skin use in the summer. 适合于一般油性肌肤或油性肌肤在夏天使用。
- Clarins cleansing milk with gentian for combination to oily skin. (吸盘还有一款适合混合偏干)。据说还有调和水的硬度作用。
- Suggest neuter is used to oily skin, or summerly fall is used. 建议中性至油性肌肤使用,或者是夏秋季使用。
- Can recuperate oily skin, expedite pore lets grease eduction. 能调理油性肌肤,畅通毛孔让油脂排出。
- Bergamot is also used for acne, oily skin and for preventing bad breath. 佛手柑用来处理脓肿;焦虑;疖子;唇疱疹;膀胱炎;沮丧;痒;没胃口;牛皮癣;压力.
- Hot water and excessively foaming cleansers tend to exacerbate oily skin! 热水及过多泡沫的清洁产品,对油性肌肤造成更严重的问题!
- For purposes of beauty, geranium is used for acne, dry skin and oily skin. 用于美容方面天竺葵对痤疮;干性;油性皮肤都有很好的功效.
- Many skincare products designed for oily skin incorporate green tea extract. 许多为油性皮肤设计的护肤品都含有绿茶的成分。
- Application of various skin and improve skin obstruction, pale, oily skin. 适用各种肤质,改善皮肤阻塞、苍白、油性肌肤。