- oiling off machine 揩油机
- They're drilling for oil off the Irish coast. 他们在爱尔兰沿海钻井探油。
- The mould is processing by the Filament cut off Machine. 线切割加工模具对焊设备。
- That's her on the beach wiping oil off the sea-birds' feathers. 她会在沙滩上为海鸟们抹走羽毛上的油污。
- The suction helps to pull the oil off of the liquid level. 这个吸力有助于将液位上的油拉出来。
- We also offer machine tool reconditioning services. 我们还提供机床翻新服务。
- Still it finishes oiling off and waxing processes through roller heating device. 通过辊加热装置可对皮革进行涂油和上腊。
- Almost all of the systems like this I've worked on used a venturi to suck the oil off the liquid refrigerant layer. 几乎象这种所有的系统我通常使用文丘里来从液体制冷剂层面上将油吸掉。
- QD Manual cutting off machine is a potable plate-cutting machine, fit in cutting at spot. QD机为轻便型剪板机,适应现场灵活剪板。
- Soak your hairbrushes with warm water and baking soda to get the oil off of them. 浸泡在苏打水里洗澡可以治疗诸如毒葛、漆树、晒斑等这类病毒。
- Company to introduce the most advanced equipment - Japanese Komori Super Lithrone quarto four-color printing machine, Heidelberg, Germany CP2000 four-color printing off Machine. 公司引进最先进的设备-日本小森超级丽色龙四开四色印刷机、德国海德堡CP2000四色对开印刷机。
- The excrescent indicator is bright, output 1.May be lead to flow a protection, please turn off machine, needing an excrescent indicator to destroy to re- switch on again can recover normally. 异常指示灯亮,无输出 1. 可能是过流保护,请关掉机器,待异常指示灯灭掉再重新开机可恢复正常。
- Oil feeds into the machine through this tubing. 油经过这个管子流入机器。
- Oil the moving parts of this machine regularly. 要定期给这部机器的运转部件上油。
- A commercial degreaser or cleanser may be used to clean off machining oils or coolants. 可以用脱脂剂或清洁剂来洗去加工油或冷却液。
- He started off with one small factory, and now he's the head of an oil empire. 他开始只经营一家小工厂,如今已成为一个石油大企业的头儿。
- cellular concrete cutting off machine 加气混凝土切割机
- medicinal herbs cutting off machine 草药切割机
- He slicks his hair down with oil every day. 他每天搽油把头梳得光溜溜的。
- TQJ table - type cut - off machine TQJ型台式切割机