- Where are oil and natural gas found in Britain? 在英国哪里发现了石油和天然气?
- Libia is very rich in OIL AND NATURAL GAS. 利比亚有丰富石油和天然气。
- The pipe suitable for use in the oil and natural gas industries. 用于石油和天然气行业输送水、气和油。
- The country has a great deal of coal, oil and natural gas. 这个国家拥有大量煤、石油和天然气。
- Coal, oil and natural gas, and these are all exploited for energy. 煤、石油和天然气,这些全都开发作能源。
- BP is the largest oil and natural gas producer in America. 是美国最大的石油和天然气产品供应商。
- Turkmenistan is endowed with rich oil and natural gas resources. 土库曼斯坦油气资源十分丰富。
- We should exploit these energies, such as coal, oil and natural gas. 我们应该开发利用这些能源,如煤、和天然气等。
- The IPAA represented independent oil and natural gas producers of the USA. 美国独立石油协会代表了美国独立的石油和天然气生产者。
- Prospecting and exploitation of oil and natural gas: In cooperation with Chinese partner only. 石油、天然气的风险勘探、开发:限于合作。
- Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas have always been available, but they re becoming harder to find. 一直以来,煤、石油和天然气等化石燃料都是可供使用的资源,然而,现在已较难发现新的化石燃料蕴藏。
- A city of southeast New Mexico near the Texas border southeast of Roswell. Oil and natural gas were discovered in the area in1927. Population,29, 115. 霍布斯美国新墨西哥州东南部一城市,临近得克萨斯州边界,位于罗斯威尔城东南部。1927年在此地区发现了石油及天然气。人口29,115
- Energy businesses in the Western US are usually oil and natural gas drilling, but also refining. 美国西部的能源工业通常为石油和天然气的开采和提炼。
- One of the three prairie provinces in western Canada; rich in oil and natural gas and minerals. 加拿大西部草原三省中的一个省份;有丰富的石油、天然气和矿产资源。
- Putin, 55, is enormously popular in Russia, presiding over a resurgent economy flush with revenue from oil and natural gas. 55岁的普京总统在俄罗斯深受爱戴,在他的领导下,以石油和天然气为支柱的俄罗斯经济走上了全面复苏的道路。
- A switch to renewable power would cut dependence on oil and natural gas as national production of both dwindles. 随着英国石油和天然气的产量不断下降,转为使用可再生能源会降低对这两种能源的依赖性。
- Oil and natural gas resources, especially rich in the world one of the largest reservoir. 石油和天然气的资源特别丰富,是世界储油最多的国家之一。
- He plans to fertilise his fields with manure, rather than chemicals derived from oil and natural gas. 他计划用天然肥料替代从石油和天然气中提取的化肥给农田施肥。
- This novel energy saving and desulfurizing fluegas condensing installation is suitable for oil and natural gas boilers. 烟气冷凝节能与脱硫装置是适用于燃油燃气锅炉的新装置。
- "Like crude oil and natural gas, most petrochemicals consist mainly of carbon and hydrogen and are called hydrocarbons. 和原油和天然气一样,大多石油化学产品主要由碳和氢组成,称为烃。