- With Creative Innovation Raise up the Integrate Technical Level of Surface Engineering, Stress on Real Effectiveness, Promote Effective and Continuous Development of Oil Gas Production 开拓创新提高地面工程整体技术水平注重实效促进油气生产高效持续发展
- Oil gas reclaims is important one link. 油气回收是重要的一环。
- In order to inquire Gas production or Mineral oil technology, please contact LURGI OEL GAS CHEMIE GMBH. LURGI OEL GAS CHEMIE GMBH公司积累了多年经验,在自己的网页上这家企业为您介绍其它的专门产品,例如关于石油技术,气体产生、气体生产。
- Many of the countries which lead in oil production also lead in natural gas production. 许多生产石油的主要国家同时也是生产天然气的主要国家。
- The United Kingdom, Norway and Denmark all fax offshore oil and gas production in their waters. 英国、挪威和丹麦都在其水域内对近海的石油天然气生产征税。
- All kinds of unsafety factors in oil and gas production come from on\|site operation. 油气生产中的各种不安全因素大多来源于现场作业。
- In November alone, mining and quarrying activity fell although oil and gas production rose. 在11月份,采矿和采石活动下降,虽然石油和天然气生产上升了。
- Coal gas production became involved with safe gas explosions. 煤气生产包含于安全气体爆炸。
- The Company Hange gas production is mainly of the company. 本公司是以生产焊割气为主的公司。
- Deep zone reservoir type and oil gas distribution pattern in Bohai Gulf basin. 渤海湾盆地深层油气藏类型及油气分布规律
- Shuangtuozi Gas Field is the main block for gas production in Jilin oil field,and locating in the testing stage now. 双坨子气田是目前吉林油田天然气开发的主力区块,正处于开发实验阶段。
- Those sags along the detachment faults are prolific oil gas depressions. 油气主要分布在富生烃凹陷西侧的隆起上。
- The vibration of fractionator was eliminated by decoking the oil gas line. 对油气线进行消焦处理后,分馏塔振动被消除。
- Norsk Hydro ASA‘s core operatio are production and sale of oil and gas, production of aluminum and fertilizers. 挪威海德鲁公司的主要业务是石油天然气的生产和销售,以及铝和肥料的生产。
- Although the luffing very little of oil gas crop, but occupy reporter control.. 尽管油气产量的变幅微乎其微,但是据记者把握的...
- Gas production should be continuously monitored for quality and impurities. 生产过程中必须连续地监测气体的质量和杂质。
- Sichuan Messer Gas Products Co, Ltd. 四川梅塞尔气体产品有限公司。
- The main factors of the surpressure are oil and gas production,tectonic uplift,diagenesis,fluid flowing or its property change. 而对于异常低压的形成,油气开采、构造抬升、成岩作用与流体相变及运动为主要因素。
- This is an effective method for enhancing oil and gas production and injectivity in the late life of oil and gas field development. 该方法是油气田开发后期增加油气产量和注水井吸水能力的有效技术手段。
- Dual anisotropism is a basic characteristic of porous medium.It has an effect on the flow of reservoir fluid and oil and gas production. 双重各向异性是多孔介质的一个基本性质,它对油藏流体的流动乃至油气生产都有一定的影响。