- The results on the press show that the oil yield efficiency for de hulled rapeseed kernel(wt,6.3%; 通过对该机的性能实验;结果表明未经预处理的脱皮菜籽仁(水分6.;3%25;
- oil yield efficiency 出油率
- Paulownia seeds have a high rate of oil yield. 这些桐籽的出油率非常高。
- Using yield efficiency and contents of VE as evaluating guide lines the optimum wall composition and processing conditions for VE oil microencapsulation made by spray-drying were obtained. 以产率、效率和维生素E的保留率作为评价指标,得出以喷雾干燥法制取维生素E微胶囊的最佳壁材配方及工艺条件。
- Oil yielding plants of Northwest China. 西北油脂植物。
- West hopes to force Russia to manipulate the price of oil yield of the plot exposed. 西方希望通过操纵石油价格迫使俄罗斯屈服的图谋暴露无遗。
- The Elaeagnus mollis seed oil was extracted by Soxhlet extraction,and the oil yield was 32.50%. 采用索氏提取法提取翅果油树种子油;其出油率为32.;50%25。
- The Elaeagnus moths seed oil was extracted by Soxhlet extraction, and the oil yield was 32.50%. 摘要采用索氏提取法提取翅果油树种子油,其出油率为32.;50%25。
- This agent can selectively remove basic nitrogen compounds from coker gas oil and the refined oil yield is over 97%. 该工艺采用研制的脱氮用精制剂,该精制剂为一种酸性络合剂,能选择性脱除焦化蜡油中的碱性氮化物,精制后油的收率97%25以上。
- The NOPA oil yield of 11.34 pounds would indicate a Census oil yield of 11.28 pounds. NOPA的豆油产出率为11.34英磅,这就意味着普查局的豆油产出率为11.28英磅。
- The Elaeagnus mollis seed oil was extracted by Soxhlet extraction,and the oil yield was 32. 采用索氏提取法提取翅果油树种子油;其出油率为32.;50%25。
- Qijia oil field in Liaohe region is the first discovered in an Archaeozoic mixed granite buried hill reservoir with high oil yield. 齐家古潜山油藏是辽河地区最早从太古界混合花岗岩中取得高产工业油流的古潜山油藏之一。
- Combined with our production practice on SC-CO_2 extraction of Chinese gooseberry seed oil,factors influencing the oil yield were analyzed. 结合超临界CO2流体萃取猕猴桃籽油的生产实践,分析了影响猕猴桃籽出油率的相关因素。
- Furthermore, the harmony among fermenting power, saccharifying power and proteolytic power would achieve the minimum fusel oil yield. 当发酵力、糖化力和蛋白分解力三者协调时,杂醇油的生成量最低。
- After this, the AL4 elicitor concentration and handling time were optimized for improving the essential oil yield in suspension cells of A. lancea. 此后以茅苍术悬浮细胞挥发油产量为指标,优化了内生真菌AL4诱导子添加浓度和诱导子诱导时间这二个因素。
- Through this method, the base oil yield is over 45 %, and viscosity index is 100.It contains low sulfur, low nitrogen and low aromatics. 用此种方法所得到的基础油收率在45%25以上,粘度指数100,含硫、氮、芳烃等杂质较少,降凝效果较好,有良好的工业应用前景。
- the irrigation - yield efficiency 灌水生产效率
- The experiment results showed that the rice bran oil yield could be significantly increased by pretreatment under high-pressure steaming or ultrasonic wave. 实验结果显示:对米糠进行高压蒸煮或超声波等预处理可显著提高出油率。
- The results showed that the oil yield increased with increasing extraction pressure and first increased and then decreased with the rise of temperature. 结果表明:沙棘全果油萃取率随萃取压力的升高而增加,随温度上升先增加后降低;
- After the Dayou high-sulphur brown coal is blended with the Tianzhu gas coal, the direct liquefaction oil yield is increased by over 2% as compared with that of the single... 试验证明;大有高硫褐煤与天祝气煤配合;其直接液化油产率比两种单煤的液化油产率提高了2%25以上;可达到69.;66%25;有较好的应用前景。