- oil spilted to gas 原油裂解
- Conversion to gas central heating will save you a lot of money. 改用煤气集中供暖将节省大笔开支。
- Conversion of your heating system from coal to gas will be costly. 你把暖气系统由烧煤改造成烧瓦斯会花好多钱。
- The comet's ice, heated by the sun, rapidly and spectacular sublimate to gas. 彗星上的冰块在太阳热的作用下迅速而壮观地升华成气体。
- The hotel has switched over to gas for heating. 饭店已改为用煤气供热了。
- Stop here to gas up before crossing the desert. 横穿沙漠之前要在这里停车加油。
- We've converted from coal to gas central heating. 我们已由燃煤改换成燃气集中供暖。
- Coal can be converted to gas by burning. 煤通过燃烧可转变为煤气。
- A floating barrier serving to contain an oil spill. 浮木档栅一种漂浮的档栅,用来阻止流失的油份
- This material is impervious to gases and liquids. 气体和液体都透不过这种物质。
- It used thick film technique with good endurance to diesel oil、causticity to gas and antifriction performance. 采用厚膜工艺加工而成,具有良好的耐柴油、汽油腐蚀性和良好的抗磨性能。
- The oil spill endangered thousands of birds. 石油的溢泄危及成千上万的鸟儿。
- The comet's ices, heated by the sun, rapidly and spectacularly sublimate to gas. 彗星上的冰块在太阳热的作用下迅速而壮观地升华成气体。
- I have to go to gas station because my tank is running low on fuel. 我得去加油站,油箱快没油了。
- The tanker began to spill its cargo of oil. 油轮已开始漏油。
- I used to cook on electricity,but I've switched to gas. 我过去用电烧饭,但现已换成用煤气了。
- Yet barriers to gassing up cars with hydrogen are significant. 但要真正用氢当做汽车的动力来源,还有很多障碍。
- I'm feeling good. I think it's time to gas up the jet. 我感觉很棒,是时候冲刺了。
- Tube: black, smooth, CR rubber compound resistant to gas exhaust. 内胶:黑色,光滑,合成氯丁橡胶,耐有害废气。
- I used to cook on electricity, but I've switched to gas. 我过去用电烧饭,但现已换成用煤气了。