- An oil pipe is being laid between the two cities. 在两座城市间正在铺设一条油管。
- Longkou City Automotive Oil Pipe Co., Ltd. 龙口市车辆油管厂。
- An oil pipe lies between the two cities. 两座城市之间有一条油管。
- Oil pipes freeze protcction, wax melting and thermal insulation. 石油管线防凝、解蜡和伴热保温。
- Unscrew the oil pipe connection. 拧开油管接头。
- Regular inspection to know whether the oil pipe joint is loose and change the seal parts timely to reduce oil leakage. 定期检查油管接头是否松动,及时更换密封件,减少机器漏油现象。
- The manufacture of oil pipe requires a steady rest that provides strength, accuracy and repeatability. 强度,精度及重复精度是油管加工的关键。
- If the valve does not confirm open in a reasonable time,steam is established to the oil pipe. 如果阀门在一定时间内无法确认是否打开,可以向油管内输送蒸汽。
- Finite element method (FEM) is commonly used in analysis of magnetic flux leakage (MFL) of defect of oil pipe. 有限元法广泛应用于石油管道缺陷漏磁场分析,成为替代物理试验,获得大量缺陷漏磁信号的有效手段。
- Our company specializes in manufacturing oil pipe, such as SEAMLESS, ERW, ect .using on the oil line... 发布者:赵会所在地:河北沧州市行业:建筑、建材职位:业务主管工作年限:一年以上
- Manufacture and offer general Sheet Metal Components for Motor,compressor,cover,stacker,Car and Oil Pipe. 五金金属零件、.;冲压制品、模具制造、冲压钣金加工、油压钣金加工、滤清器、车床、冲床。
- Oil pipe screw grease smearing tool is a kind of oil field tools mainly aused to solve the sealing problems when downhole tools are jointed onto oil pipes. 油管丝扣油脂涂抹器是基于解决下井油管和工具螺纹密封问题而研制的一种矿场工具。
- The breed with output growth faster range has oil pipe of shipbuilding board, stone, rub. 价格升幅虽不多,但升势已占主导地位,其中石油焊管升幅最大。
- Industrial tape composed of PVC film and rubber based psa is suitable for protecting air pipe, water pipe, oil pipe on the ground or underground. 管道标识胶带是以聚氧乙烯(pvc)薄膜为基才,使用橡胶型压敏胶制造而成,适用于风管、水管、输油管等地面及地下管路的防腐保护。
- Pipe-aend shaping machine,with the syraight guide roller as the carrier ,can run without abrassion,and the product have a good repeatadility,which are fit for the pipe-end in the iron pipes,furniture,automobile air conditioners and fuel oil pipes . 管端成形机,运用直接导轨为载体,使之运作巫磨损,产品重复性好,适用于铁管家具汽车空调燃油管路等的端头处理。
- The economic evaluation showed that the et hylene cost can be reduced by 25%than that of gas oil pipe still pyrolysis proc ess. 经济评价结果表明,该工艺与石脑油管式炉裂解工艺相比,可使乙烯成本降低约25%25。
- Primary reason of the phenomena was analyzed.Corrective measures were provided for the design and use of PPI with a type of lock tile in order to avoid invalidation of oil pipes and cannula. 分析了造成偏载的主要原因,并提出将卡瓦与密封段反向组装和采取卡瓦表面曲率与套管内壁曲率接近的改进措施,以减少卡瓦偏载对套管的不利影响。
- According to the requirements of SOLAS,the protective and alarm unit must be set in a high-pressure oil pipe of the marine diesel engine. 按照SOLAS(国际海上人命安全公约)要求,船用柴油机高压油管必须设置防护及报警装置。
- Based on the UG software, the rapid design on the encapsulated oil pipe is implemented using module coding and model parametric design. 基于UG的套装油管路设计系统,运用模块编码和模板模型参数化等技术开发,实现套装油管路的快速设计。
- This paper introduces the structure ,virtue,installation and use of a sampling valves which can guard against theft and be hided in the oil pipe line. 研制了一种微波感应式配电线路防盗在线监测系统,简述了其系统构成、技术特点和应用效果。