- China's stimulus plan comes as its oil demand is stagnating. 目前石油需求一直低迷。
- Estimating world oil demand is something of an inexact science. 世界石油需求预测是一门不精确的科学。
- Crude Aid: As Global Oil Demand Tightens, A Big Producer Has Own Agenda. 原油:全球需求紧缩的同时,一个大生产商有自己的时间表。
- This suggests destocking by refiners, not a fall in underlying oil demand. 这说明,炼油商们在压缩库存,而并非基础石油需求下降。
- In the report, the agency reduced its forecast for growth in world oil demand this year. 该署在这篇报告中向下修正今年的全球石油需求成长预测。
- Some analysts said the market was concerned that the stock market plunge could hurt oil demand. 一些分析师表示,市场担心股市下挫可能伤害对石油的需求。
- In most countries that do not subsidize fuel, high prices have caused oil demand to stagnate or fall. 在大多数不补贴燃料的国家,高油价已使国内石油需求停滞或下降。
- Platt's says that first-quarter Chinese oil demand fell 4.8% compared with the first quarter of last year. 普氏能源资讯说,今年第一季度中国石油需求较上年同期下滑了4.;8%25。
- The price increase mystifies some analysts, who say that oil demand remains weak. 油价上涨也让一些分析师深感迷惑,他们表示,石油需求仍疲软。
- With Chinese oil demand surging, energy security has been a much-discussed theme in Beijing. 随着中国石油需求不断飙升,能源安全成为北京热烈讨论的一个话题。
- S. subprime-mortgage market crimps lending.That would damp oil demand in the U.S., the worlds largest oil consumer. 这会抑制美国这个世界最大的石油消耗国的石油需求,还可能令包括中国在内的其他国家经济增长放缓。
- The rate at which world oil demand recovers remains a critical -- and unknowable -- variable. 全球石油需求的回升速度仍是一个至关重要、但却无法准确判断的变量。
- American summer travel goes vacationing raised petrolic requirement, entered area of crude oil demand fastigium. 美国夏季旅游度假增加了汽油的需求,将原油需求带进了高峰期。
- The oil price surge was most marked in futures contracts delivered over the summer, when increased driving and travel most affects global oil demand. 石油价格的飙升在夏季交货的石油期货合约中表现最显著。届时驾车和旅游活动的增加将大大影响全球石油需求。
- Analysts said that the economic downturn would depress the peak U.S. summer driving season, gasoline travel demand, curb oil demand or prices. 分析师表示,经济低迷会抑制美国春夏驾车出行高峰季节的汽油需求,需求疲软或抑制油价涨势。
- CERA hedged its predictions of supply tightness with uncertainty about the rate at which world oil demand will recover after the recession. 虽然CERA预测说未来可能出现原油供应紧张,但它也表示,无法确定经济衰退结束后世界石油需求将会以多快的速度反弹。
- Whether Chinese oil demand shrinks or grows this year will go a long way to determining whether oil prices stagnate or jump back way over $50 a barrel. 今年中国的石油需求量的增加或减少,将很大程度上决定油价是停止在50美圆还是涨回高于50美圆一桶。
- The Energy Department is forecasting a flattening of oil demand in the U.S. and a buildup in oil and gasoline stockpiles. 美国能源部预测说美国的石油需求将会降低,石油和汽油库存将增加。
- AFP, Paris. The world oil demand is still sluggish this year, but will recover next year, the International Energy Agency said in a report. 法新社巴黎电)国际能源总署在一篇报告中指出,今年,全球石油需求仍然低迷,但明年将会回升。