- In the oil cells,no wall protuberance (cupule) was observed. 叶和茎中,油细胞发育过程相似但不同步。
- Main ingredients: soften cells, sunflower oil cells, algin, black sesame seed essence, green tea and etc. 主要成分:垂顺因子、葵油局亮精华、海藻素、黑芝麻护发精华、绿茶等。
- Thus it can be seen that oil cells and mucilage cells are homogenous, or that mucilage cells maybe come from oil cells. 因此可见,油细胞和粘液细胞是同源的,也可能粘液细胞是由油细胞转化而来的。
- In some oil cells,the cupule can be observed,but the occurance of lysis cavaties from oil cells reported by the other authors is not found. 在部分细胞中,可观察到杯形构造,但没有发现溶生油细胞腔的结构。
- The developmental courses of oil cells in stem and leaf are alike,and oil cells distribute in the mesophyll of leaf and the cortex and pith of stem. 油细胞存在于叶肉组织及茎内皮层和髓中。
- The characteristics of the 4 distribution types of oil cells and mucilage cells support the division of two subfamilies in the Lauraceae. 油细胞和粘液细胞(腔)4种分布类型的划分支持樟科两个亚科的划分。
- From leaves cleared,oil cells are distributed in areole in most species and on the vein in some species.The oil cells in 5 species are in contact with veinlet termini. 从透明叶片观察,大多数植物叶片油细胞分布于脉间区,少数种的少数油细胞分布在脉上,其中5种植物的部分油细胞与叶脉末端相接触。
- After it reaches its maturity,the whole volume of the oil cell is filled with the large vacuole,which becomes the oil sac subsequently. 当油细胞发育成熟后,细胞质及核开始解体,整个油细胞的腔由大液泡充满,成为油囊。
- The first recognizable stage was seen in the second primordia.The oil cell initial contains a large nucleus and densly cytoplasm,for which it is easy to identify it. 通常,在第二叶原基中可发现油细胞原始细胞,由于其染色深、细胞核大而易与周围组织的细胞相区别。
- The oil cells in Liriodendron chinense differentiated earlier than the neighboring cells.Very young leaf and stem show fully developed secretory oil cells among poorly differentiated cells. 鹅掌楸油细胞比相邻组织细胞分化早,因而在叶肉细胞未完全分化的叶原基、幼叶以及未完全分化的幼茎中,都可看到已分化的油细胞。
- In stage 1, the cell wall consisted only of a primary (the outmost) cellulose layer, which might further be divided into two substages, the oil cell initial, and the vacuolizing oil cell. 阶段1:油细胞仅有初生纤维素壁层,又可分为原始细胞和细胞液泡化两个时期。
- Oil spotting (oleocellosis) was a prevalent physiological rind disorder of citrus fruits that was caused by the action of phytotoxic rind oils released from the oil cells in the flavedo. 摘要油斑病是发生在柑橘果实上的一种常见的生理性病害,是由于柑橘外皮组织中溢出的橘油的光毒性造成的。
- He slicks his hair down with oil every day. 他每天搽油把头梳得光溜溜的。
- The bishop anointed the new king with oil. 主教为新国王登基举行涂油仪。
- The oil tanker soon got out of sight. 油船不久就看不见了。
- The recession trod on the heels of the oil crisis. 经济萧条紧随着石油危机而来。
- Go and get some more oil so we don't run short. 去多弄些油来以免到时候用光了。
- We have found oil under the North Sea. 我们在北海发现了石油。
- Oil feeds into the machine through this tubing. 油经过这个管子流入机器。
- The holed tanker was disgorging oil. 撞了个窟窿的油船正在喷油。