- Kazakhstan has a wealth of oil and gas. 哈萨克斯坦有着丰富的石油和天然气资源。
- Wood,coal,oil and gas are different knids of fuel. 木材,煤,油和天然气是不同种类的燃料。
- The country has abundant supplies of oil and gas. 这个国家有丰富的石油和天然气。
- Sakhalin Oil and Gas Development Co. Ltd. 日本萨哈林石油和天然气开发公司。
- Arco International Oil and Gas Co. 阿科国际石油天然气公司。
- Twenty oil and gas fields are under development. 已有20个油气田投入开发,形成了海洋石油天然气产业。
- Salt and potash coexists closely with oil and gas. 盐钾与油气有着密切的共存关系。
- Oil and Gas Origin and Reservoiring Analyses of Mosuowan Region in Zhunge'er Basin 准噶尔盆地莫索湾地区油气成藏分析
- Lian Sui-ren;Shieh Leang-san China Oil and Gas Co. 石油工业部地球物理勘探局 ;
- Keywords Parageosyncline;Rift zone;Foreland basin;Oil and gas origin;Plate tectonic;Natural gas resource; 关键词准地槽;裂谷带;前陆盆地;油气成因;板块构造;天然气资源;
- Keywords oil and gas origin;organic geochemistry;(diatomic fatty acids);Jianghan basin; 油气生成;有机地球化学;(二元脂肪酸);江汉盆地;
- Keywords oil and gas origin;coal;organic origin;inorganic origin;mantle;hydrothermalism; 油气成因;煤;有机成因;无机成因;地幔;热液作用;
- Dongying sag is a dustpan shape one with very abundant oil and gas. 东营凹陷是一个含油气十分丰富的箕状断陷凹陷。
- Keywords Ch emical kinetics;Hydrocarbon source rock;Oil and gas origin;Kerogen evolution;Arrhenius equation;Thermal simulation;Activation energy; 化学动力学;烃源岩;油气生成;干酪根演化;阿伦尼乌斯方程;热模拟;活化能;
- Large deposits of oil and gas have been found under the sea. 海底发现大量石油和天然气。
- Both types are known to be productive of oil and gas. 这两类圈闭是盛产石油和天然气的。
- Keywords Siberian platform;Proterozoic era;Formation Oil and gas accumulation zone;Oil and gas origin;Geologic history;Reservoir formation;Geologic analogy method;Talimu basin; 关键词西伯利亚地台;元古代;地层;油气聚集带;油气生成;地质历史;油气藏形成;地质类比法;塔里木盆地;
- Which province is Canada's major producer of oil and gas? 那一个省是加拿大主要的石油及天然气生产商?
- Oil and gas will continue to be our chief source of fuel. 石油和天然气将继续是燃料的主要来源。
- China National Oil and Gas Exploration Development Co. 中国石油天然气勘探开发公司。