- A blood sample drawn from a vein in the arm. 血液样本是从手臂上的一条静脉中抽出。
- To control this problem, oil sampling tests are being carried out on a large scale in coordination with the neighboring prefectures. 为了控制这种现象,政府与邻近县市协作,在广大范围内对轻油实行抽样测试。
- Analyzing problems regarding non-mandrel drawn tube processing with complex function is a quite new method in this regard. 利用复变函数解析空拔圆管问题是一种新方法。
- The regulators have a unit construction. In a sealed tank, with pressure relief device, oil sight gauge, superior connection for press filter, valve of drain, oil sampling device and stainless steel nameplate etched in low relief. 调压器有一个带有卸压装置和油量观测计的独立结构被密封在槽内;这样的配置使压力过滤器;排水阀;油取样设备和不锈钢标示牌不容易被侵蚀.
- Stainless steel pipes Seamless, lapped, anti-wear, rolled &drawn tubes Chrome-plated &hollow... 分类标题:无缝黑色金属管|不锈钢管和管道...
- A.For annealed drawn tubes the ratio of outer diameter to thickness is no more than 15. 退火态拉制管外径与壁厚之比不小于15者。
- Higher POV and TBA values were observed in the refined oil samples than those in the crude oil samples. 精制鲐鱼油的POV和TBA值较粗制鲐鱼油高;
- Drawn tube of copper and copper alloys 铜及铜合金拉制管
- The GC/MS analyses of oil samples from QHD32-6 oilfield show that bicyclic sesquiterpanes are abundant. 摘要色谱/质谱分析结果表明,秦皇岛32-6油田原油中含有丰富的双环倍半萜。
- Steel tubes for precision applications - Technical delivery conditions - Part 4: seamless cold drawn tubes for hydraulic and pneumatic power systems. 精密装置用钢管。交货技术条件。第4部分:液压和气压动力系统用无缝冷拉管。
- Then oil samples are analysed for their metallic elements with the ICP method with less chemical and ionization interferences,providing an accurate measurement for multi-elements. 在此基础上,采用化学和电离干扰少的电感耦合等离子体(即ICP)法对原油样品中金属元素进行分析,达到了多元素准确测定的目的。
- Crude oil samples of the Xifeng oilfield in the Ordos basin were collected systematically and analyzed by means of high-resolution GC-MS and IRMS. 通过对鄂尔多斯盆地西峰油田原油进行系统地采样和高分辨率的GC-MS、IRMS分析,研究了原油的生物标志化合物和碳同位素组成特征,并且进行了油源对比,探讨了其成因。
- The affect factors mainly came from the blood samples contaminated by gastric juice, keep too long at room temperature (over 72 hours) or the samples drawn from patients with some diseases. 影响因素主要是样本受胃液污染,室温保存时间太长(超过72小时)或是因为样本是从一些病人身上抽取的。
- Volatile oil samples were analysed on a Varian 3700 gas chromatograph equipped with FID detector and an electronic 4270 integrator. 挥发性油用带氢火焰检测器与4270型电子积分仪的瓦里安3700型气相色谱仪分析。
- Test the change of Peroxide Value(POV)and Acid Value(AV)of oil samples and get oxidative stability effect of these disposes. 结果表明,85%25磷酸脱胶处理的核桃油氧化稳定性优于盐析及明矾脱胶处理的样品;
- The cabbage mustard seed oil was extracted with Soxhlet method.The oil sample was methyl-esterificated,and then was analyzed by GC-MS. 采用索氏提取法提取芥蓝籽油,样品甲酯化后,经GC-MS分离与分析,鉴定出19种脂肪酸组分。
- The aromatics of oil samples were analyzed by an on-line coupling system of packed capillary high performance liquid chromatography(PC-HPLC)and capillary gas chromatography(CGC). 采用填充毛细管液相色谱(PC-HPLC)与毛细管气相色谱(CGC)在线联用技术分析油品中的芳烃。
- Then the stable carbon isotope composition of PAH series such as alkyl naphthalene and alkyl phenanthrene in crude oil samples of Tuha basin were determined on GC-IRMS. 并通过色谱-同位素比值质谱(GC-IRMS)技术对吐哈盆地原油中烷基萘和烷基菲等系列化合物的碳同位素组成进行测定。
- The sample draws a simple swarm on the screen and uses a custom fade routine to blur the image over time. 此示例在屏幕上绘制一个简单的蜂群,并使用自定义淡出例程使图像随时间变得模糊。
- Lots of experiment was carried out and a set of oil samples ferrogram were studied to analyze the feasibility of quantitative analysis based on image processing. 5. 4.在大量实验的基础上,通过对一组油样的铁谱数据的回归分析研究了基于图像处理的铁谱定量分析的可行性。