- Application of Helical Groove Oil Film Seal in Imported Light Hydrocarbon Compressor 油膜螺旋槽密封在进口轻烃压缩机上的应用
- Piston rings require an oil film between ring and liner and between ring and piston groove to seal against these high pressures and to prevent blowby. 为了密封,在活塞环与连杆之间、活塞环与或活塞槽之间需要一层油膜以承受住这些高压、阻止漏气。
- Provides the remarkable oil film strength,prevented the coupling slips. 提供卓越的油膜强度,防止离合器打滑。
- seal of spiral trough of the oil film 油膜螺旋槽密封
- These are the rainbow effects we see so often in bubbles and in oil film on water. 这就是我们常见于肥皂泡或水上油膜的彩虹效应。
- The rainbow effect is similar to what we see when looking at a wet road with an oil film on it. 其彩虹效应就好像下雨后,马路上油迹看到的光学现象一样见下图。
- This oil film separates the mating surfaces and appreciably reduces the friction between them. 这层油膜将配合面分离开来,明显降低了配合面之间的摩擦。
- The article describes the system constitution and design calculation of oil film bearing lubrication system. 介绍油膜轴承润滑系统的系统组成和设计计算。
- The reason is that the bionically unsmoothed surface has better ability on lube storage and oil film forming. 其原因是在有润滑条件时,仿生非光滑结构具有较强的贮存润滑油及形成油膜的能力。
- Lapping technology of hydrostatic oil film spherical camplate and its measuring method are presented in this paper. 本文叙述了制造油膜静压球面轴承的研磨技术和球面测量的具体方法。
- Arithmetic for solving oil film force and its Jacobi matrix simultaneously are also presented. 3. 并给出了同时求得油膜力及其Jacobi矩阵的算法。
- The oil film of sliding bearing was squeezed and sheared in the dynamic load conditions. 滑动轴承在动载工作条件下运行时,承载油膜受到轴承挤压和旋转剪切两种运动作用。
- Usiing with Film sealing machine, stiletto round hole or ellipse hole at the edge of film-sealing card. 打孔器是吊夹、证件、吊链、打孔的专用工具。与封塑机配套使用,将封塑的证件边缘打出圆孔或长圆孔。
- Potential variation of thin oil film in electrolyte is an electrochemical process. 薄层油膜在电解质中的电位变化是一个电化学过程。
- The existing hydrostatic slideway uses proportioning oil supply system, which can not adjust oil film thickness. 现有的液体静压导轨采用定量式供油系统,其供油系统不具有油膜厚度的调节能力;
- Synthetic detergent THX1 and surfactant FBH1 are selected as powder preventing agent forwhite anodized Al film sealed by deionized water. THX1工业合成洗涤剂和FBH1表面活性剂为铝阳极化去离子水封闭白色氧化膜的防粉剂。
- A stretch hood is a tube of film sealed on one end, which is stretched over a palletized load to secure the contents to the pallet. 在不加热状态利用拉伸后的回弹力量收缩,支撑及保护托盘上的物品。可节省能源并完全排除火灾或爆炸的忧虑。
- With the oil injection method, oil under high pressure is injected between the bearing and bearing seating to form an oil film. 采用注油方法,油在高压下注入轴承和轴颈之间,形成一层油膜。
- However theirtheoretical analysis did not embody outcorresponding conclusion because ofcomplexity ofthe oil film whirl problems. 但由于油膜涡动问题的复杂性,他们的理论分析没有体现出相应的结论。