- ogging while drilling 随钻测井
- Be careful and not overexert while drilling through the hole. 孔将穿透时应十分小心,不可用力过猛。
- High drum clutches are getting hot while drilling, please repair or change it! 高速离合器发热,请修理一下或换掉!
- Actual Barite consumption will depend on hole condition while drilling. 实际的重晶石用量取决于井下的实际需要。
- For the mud system, maintain pH values among 8.5 to 9.5 while drilling. 对于这套泥浆体系,钻进期间应维持泥浆的pH值在8.;5~9
- The mud should be pretreated with Bicarbonate while drilling cement. 当钻水泥塞时,应该用小苏打对泥浆进行预处理。
- DST (Drill Stem Test), a fast test for show of oil and gas while drilling. DST (Drill-Stem-Test),即中途测试,是指油井在钻井过程中,对有油气显示的地层进行快速测试。
- The pencil tool models "logging while drilling" where the logging tool is integrated into the drill pipe. 铅笔测井工具正是模仿了这种将测井工具集成到钻杆上的“钻探同步测井”方法。
- In contrast, densimeter while drilling can overcome those defects by getting continuous and objective data. 而随钻密度仪则能够有效地克服以上缺陷,其数据连续可靠,客观性也非常强。
- The main characteristic of LWD (Logging While Drilling) is drilling and logging at the same time. 无线随钻测井主要特点是边钻进边测井,在完成钻井任务的同时完成测井任务。
- This paper briefly introduces the technology of LWD, gamma ray logging tool while drilling in detail, and den... 本文对随钻测井技术作一般介绍,针对我所的专业技术特长,对随钻自然伽马测井仪的性能特点作详细介绍,也介绍了随钻密度。
- Formation pressure detection while drilling is one of major means to realize optimizing drilling. 随钻地层压力检测是实现优化钻井的主要手段之一。
- At present,measurement while drilling(MWD) is a key developing direction of petroleum engineering. 目前,无线随钻测量技术是石油工程技术发展的一个主要方向。
- Its main surveying system is consisted of a GST sub, LWD (Logging While Drilling ),and MWD (Measuring While Drilling ). 1997年南海东部陆丰22-1油田开发水平井应用了该系统,收到了良好的效果。
- Geo-steering (GST)drilling is a new technology for evaluating the formation collegially while drilling. 地质导向系统是90年代中期开发出来的定向钻井新技术,是对石油钻井工业的一次技术革新。
- Logging while drilling is a relatively new logging technology developed in recent years and its advantage is logging while drilling(LWD). 随钻测井主要特点是边钻边测,在完成钻井任务的同时完成测井任务,解决了常规电缆测井无法施工的高难度井的测井问题。
- Formation lithology interpretation of logging while drilling(LWD) is an important problem in geosteering of horizontal well drilling. 随钻测井地层岩性解释的准确性直接影响水平井地质导向钻井的作业质量,地层岩性判别错误会直接导致钻探工作的失利。
- During the exploration and production practice, geologging while drilling may often encounter the strata classification for new wells in new area . 在勘探生产实践中,随钻地质录井经常会遇到新区新井地层划分认识的问题。
- LWD(logging while drilling)is the logging technique which can complete the real time measure-ment of information while drilling. 随钻测井是在钻开地层的同时实时测量地层信息的一种测井技术。
- ROGER J SCHOEPPEL.Numerical simulation of borehole and formation temperature distribution while drilling to total depth[J].SPE 3364. 张锐;邱正松.;深井水包油钻井液高温高压密度特性模拟实验研究[J]