- offshore seismic exploration 海上地震勘测
- Seismic wave field and seismic exploration II. 地震波场与地震勘探2。
- SPS file format for land seismic exploration. 陆上地震勘探SPS文件格式
- In view of research and application, the multiwave and mullicomponent seismic exploration is a very efficient and promising technique during exploration and development of offshore oil and gas. 摘要 针对莺歌海盆地多波地震资料的特点,研究和开发出了一套适应海上纵横波层位对比方法。
- D coal seismic exploration in beach and neritic zone has dual nature of land and offshore exploration.Therefore, the acquired seismic data are varied greatly in terms of energy, frequency, and phase. 摘要滩浅海地区煤田三维地震勘探方法具有陆地勘探和海上勘探两重性,地震资料在能量、频率和相位上存在较大差异。
- Analysis of field statics error in seismic exploration. 地震勘探野外静校正量误差分析
- This method can be used to process huge offshore seismic data and prepare data for AVO analysis, in terms of its strong deletion of near tracc multiples and high processing speed. 本文提出方法对近道多次波压制能力强,处理速度快,适合海上大数据量常规处理及AVO分析前的数据预处理。
- In its essentials, the methods of seismic exploration appear quite simple. 在主体上,地震勘探方法似乎十分简单。
- offshore oil seismic exploration 海上石油地震勘探
- Through renewedly interpreting seismic exploration data,have obtained a large number of geological information. 通过对地震勘探资料的重新解译,获得了很多地质信息。
- Non seismic methods for oil include all geophysical geochemical exploration except seismic exploration one. 非地震找油是对除地震勘探方法以外的物化探找油方法的总称。
- It is one of the difficult problems to abate burst spiking in field seismic exploration acquisition. 串感应现象是地震勘探野外采集过程中经常遇到而又很难解决的难题之一。
- Using seismic inversion technique to solve lithological problems in coal fields is widely used in seismic exploration. 以开滦集团范各庄矿某采区岩性勘探为例,介绍利用地震反演技术解决煤层顶底板岩性问题。
- Time-lapse (TL) seismic exploration ha already become an important tool in oilfield development and management. 摘要随时间推移地震(TL)勘探己经逐步成为油田开发中重要的监控方法和油田管理工具。
- It is usually use geophone array to receive seismic signal in seismic exploration. 地震勘探中,通常利用检波器组合的办法来接收地震信号。
- This project is supported by the son project of high precision seismic exploration technology in paralic zone. 该课题来源于“滩浅海地区高精度地震勘探技术”中的一个子课题。
- WANG Zhen-dong. 1988. Applied Technique of Shallow Seismic Exploration [M]. Geological Press, Beijing (in Chinese). 王振东.;1988
- QIAN Shao-hu. 1993. Seismic Exploration [M]. China Geological University Press, Beijing (in Chinese). 钱绍瑚.;1993
- In seismic exploration, using SEG-D format is convenient and flexible, but this flexibility brings difficult in common use of demultiplex modular. 在地震勘探中,SEG-D格式使用方便、灵活,但其灵活却为解编模块的通用带来较大的困难。
- In the field work of seismic exploration,in accordance with the required standards of the industry,the time out of PTB/RFTB should not exceed 2 ms. 文章针对在地震野外采集工作中;按照行业标准所规定的要求;PTB/RFTB时差不应大于2ms。 在ARAM.