- To avoid errors, choose a card with low offset current and high isolation resistance. 为防止误差,请选择具有低偏移电流和高隔离电阻的开关卡。
- The card chosen must have wide bandwidth as well as good isolation and low offset current. 所选的开关卡必须具有宽带宽,以及良好的隔离和低偏置电流。
- When choosing a card to switch high impedance voltage, make sure the card has a low offset current. 在选择切换高阻电压的开关卡时,请确保开关卡具有低偏移电流。
- This is done by subtracting the offset current for a given channel from subsequent measurements made via that channel. 在通过某个通道进行测量时,则可从测量读数中减去该通道的偏移电流。
- An electrometer makes an ideal coulombmeter because it has very low input offset current and high input resistance. 静电计是一个理想的库仑计,因为它具有非常低的输入偏置电流和很高的输入电阻。
- If the offset current is relatively constant, this value can then be subtracted from subsequent measurements. 如果偏移电流相对稳定,则可以从随后的测量值中减去该值。
- Typical sources of such offset currents are insulators and cables. 这种偏移电流的典型来源是绝缘子和电缆。
- Because of the high input resistance and low offset current, the electrometer voltmeter has minimal effect on the circuit being measured. 由于具有高输入电阻和低偏置电流,静电计电压表对被测电路的影响极小。
- Given that the offset current may be hundreds of picoamps or less, an electrometer or picoammeter is required to measure it. 给出的偏移电流技术指标可能为几百皮安或更小,需要利用静电计或皮安计进行测量。
- R2 and R4 are chosen to minimize errors due to input offset current as outlined in the section describing the photocell amplifier. 图24给出了一个简单的模拟乘法器电路。这个电路不但克服了对数-反对数方式实现乘法的缺陷,而且可以实现不受温度变化影响的3象限乘法运算。
- To measure the offset current, close a specific crosspoint and use an electrometer or SMU to measure the current with everything in place except the device under test. 为了测量偏移电流,请闭合特定的交叉点,并利用一个静电计或SMU来测量电流。在测量时,除被测装置外,所有的其它设备要连接完整。
- Input Offset Current: The difference in the currents into the two input terminals when the output is at zero. 输入失调电流,输出电压为零时,流入运放两个输入端的电流的差值。
- Offset current is especially significant when measuring low currents if the magnitude of the offset is comparable to the low current being measured. 在测量小电流时,如果偏移电流的幅值与被测小电流相当,偏移电流就尤其明显。
- Offset currents can also be generated externally from such sources as triboelectric and piezoelectric effects. 这种偏置电流也可以由摩擦电效应和压电效应等原因在外部产生。
- This current is known as the input offset current, and it's caused by bias currents of active devices as well as by leakage currents through insulators within the instrument. 这种电流称为输入偏置电流,是由有源器件的偏置电流以及流过仪器内部的绝缘子的泄漏电流所引起的。
- If the offset currents for the different channels are reasonably stable, a correction factor can be stored in the control computer to allow more accurate low current measurements. 如果不同通道的偏移电流是比较稳定的,则可在控制计算机中保存一个修正因子,从而实现更准确地小电流测量。
- Low Input Bias and Offset Current Errors 低输入偏置电流和失调电流误差
- Input offset current is the difference between the two input bias currents and this leads to offset errors in in-amps when source resistances in the two input terminals are unequal. 输入失调电流是两个差动输入端的基极输入电流,当两个输入端的源阻抗不相等时,它可引起仪表放大器的失调误差。
- Charge measurements made with an electrometer are subject to a number of error sources, including input offset current, voltage burden, generated currents, and low source impedance. 用静电计进行电荷测量时容易受到几种误差源的影响,其中包括:输入偏置电流、输入端压降、产生电流和低的源阻抗等。
- Switching and measuring voltage sources with high internal impedance are subject to a number of errors, including offset currents, stray leakage paths, and electrostatic interference. 切换和测量具有高内阻的电压源会受各种误差的影响,包括偏移电流、寄生漏泄通路,以及静电干扰。