- officinal plant flowers 药用植物花
- Twelve Officinal Plants Flower 12种药用植物花
- Every year we go there to plant flowers. 每年我们都去那里种花。
- Every year we go there to plant flowers . 每年我们都去那里种花。
- Local people plant flowers in their courtyards. 那里的人们在他们的庭院里种植花朵。
- You'd better use an earthen pot to plant flowers. 种花最好还是使用瓦盆。
- They will plant flowers, such roses and peonies. 他们将种些花,例如玖瑰和牡丹。
- Sophora alopecuroides mainly distributes in the desert regions of Northwest China as a highly adversity-resistant perennial officinal plant. 摘要苦豆子主要分布在我国西北沙漠地区,是一种抗逆性极强的豆科多年生药用植物。
- Would the plant flower in a sunny window in a Manhattan loft? 花卉植物将在曼哈顿的阁楼阳光窗?
- As a result of on the west safflower collect a variety of utility at a suit, in domestic and international demand great, first of officinal plant of world of economic value house, by Spaish praise for " gules gold " . 由于西红花集多种用途于一身,在国内外需求量极大,经济价值居世界药用植物之首,被西班牙人誉为“红色金子”。
- The boys tread on the newly planted flowers. 那些男孩子践踏了新种的花。
- They planted flowers such as roses, in the garden. 他们在花园里种了玫瑰之类的花。
- The area covered by Changbai Mountains has a temperate climate and is rich in officinal plants. 摘要长白山区属温带气候,野生药用植物资源十分丰富。
- He enjoys planting flowers and growing vegetables. 他喜欢种花和种菜。
- The boys tread on the newly planted flowers . 那些男孩子践踏了新种的花。
- Planting flowers really takes a lot of knowledge. 种花真的需要很多知识。
- Some plants flower year in and year out. 有些植物一年到头都开花。
- She is captivated by planting flowers. 她对养花特别着迷。
- I asked the gardener to cut down all those bushes and plant flowers instead. 我让花匠把所有灌木都砍掉,种上鲜花。
- The results showed that of the 1004 species (including varieties and forms) of wild officinal plants in Changbai Mountains, 124 species, 98 genera and 59 families are endangered species. 结果表明:长白山区目前1004种(含变种、变型)野生药用植物中,受到生存威胁的药用植物种类共有59科、98属、124种。