- official inaugural balls 官方就职舞会
- An official said the move will be finished by around 5 pm when the Obamas return from the parade to get ready for the inaugural ball. 白宫官员称,搬家将于下午5时左右结束,届时奥巴马一家将结束巡游,返回白宫更衣,等待参加晚上的就职舞会。
- Ice Cream was served in the Whitehouse, in 1812, at the second Inaugural Ball. 在1812年的第二届就职舞会上,白宫用于招待的食物中就有冰激淋。
- Dozens of organisations are putting up inaugural balls, which are often black-tie affairs in swanky hotels. 大量的组织会在就职舞会上出现,戴着黑色领结,在爱出风头的旅馆中举行。
- Letitia Baldrige, who served as Social Secretary for first lady Jackie Kennedy, has been attending inaugural balls since the 1940s. 利蒂希亚.;鲍德里奇曾经担任美国第一夫人杰奎琳
- A life-size cut-out of Barack Obama wore a commemorative t-shirt at the official inaugural collectibles store in Washington on Tuesday. 上周二在华盛顿,一个身穿纪念T恤的奥巴马人形立牌被放置在总统就职仪式的官方纪念品商店中。
- But no matter which inaugural balls Mr. Obama attends, Letitia Baldrige says all the events are an exciting way to celebrate a new presidency. 鲍德里奇说,无论奥巴马出席哪一场舞会,所有的活动都是在以令人兴奋的方式庆祝新总统就职。
- His hourglass gowns mix old Hollywood glamour with youthful kicky ease, perfect for proms or, as it turns out, historic presidential inaugural balls. 然而没有人知道她成人短片最后要著身那一件出场。
- His arrival in Washington, at a mink-and-diamond-draped inaugural ball, scandalised the puritanical Carterites who had preceded him. 当到达华盛顿时,他在貂皮大衣和钻石的点缀下闪亮登场。这更被那些洁身自好的圈内人士嗤之以鼻。
- I'd rather Bonnie was invited to eat dry bread in the Picards' miserable house or Mrs. Elsing's rickety barn than to be the belle of a Republican inaugural ball. 我宁肯让邦妮被邀请到皮卡德的破房子里呀埃尔辛太太家里那摇摇晃晃的仓房里去啃干面包,也不让她去当共和党人就职舞会上的明星。
- This law does nothing but hurt people," said Matta, who has set up a kiosk in Washington's Union Station to sell tickets to the swearing-in ceremony, the parade and inaugural balls. 这项提案除了伤害大家,没别的作用。”马特已在华盛顿联合车站设了一个售票点,向公天游行和就职舞会的门票。
- January 19-21-ish, 2009: I don't have all the details yet, but I'm planning to be in Washington D.C. for the presidential inauguration and maybe an inaugural ball. 一月19-212009年:我现在没有需要详细计划;但我将计划在华盛顿的总统就选仪式出现;可能有个开幕会.
- A new website hopes to save guests at president-elect Barack Obama's inauguration balls from the ultimate fashion faux pas -- wearing the same dress as someone else. 一个新的网站新闻希望能够使奥巴马就职典礼上的宾客免受时尚尴尬--与别人穿同样的衣服!
- Who is the boy in the official school cap? 那个戴校帽的男孩是谁?
- The inaugural session closed at17:10 local. 开幕式在当地时间下午5点10分结束。
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?
- the President's inaugural address; an inaugural ball. 总统的就职演说;就任舞会。
- An official mission was sent to settle the dispute. 一个官方使团被派去解决争端。
- They expressed their dissent from official policy. 他们对官方的政策表示出异议。
- His official designation is Financial Controller. 他的职称是财务总监。