- official public bonds 公务员保证保险
- Something proclaimed, especially an official public announcement. 公告,宣言宣布的事物,尤指当众正式公布的通告
- Qingdao Public Bonded Warehouse Co., Ltd. 青岛市公共保税仓库有限公司。
- The Swiss Foreign Bond market requires detailed prospectuses that meet Swiss legal requirement regarding public bond issues. 瑞士外国债券市场,要求有详尽的说明书以满足该国对公共债券发行的法律要求。
- Official public holidays have increased,and there has been a large increase in the number of people out on tours. 法定节日假期增加,外出旅游人数大幅度增长。
- Proclamations, Something proclaimed, especially an official public announcement. 公告,宣言宣布的事物,尤指当众正式公布的通告。
- Leakage A release of information to certain people before the official public announcement. 涉漏消息在公开公布前向一些人士发放消息。
- The first recorded public bond is dated January 1150 when the municipality raised 400 lire by granting to investors the tax revenue raised from stallholders in the marketplace. 第一个有记录的公共债券起源于1150年的1月,当局以市场中商贩们的税收为抵押,从投资者那里筹集了400里拉。
- The Official Publication of the Society for Nutrition Education. 营养教育和营养行为杂志。
- On a global scale, the vast syndicated-loan market, including leveraged finance and more senior debt, is also growing more swiftly than public bond and share markets. 在全球范围内,包括杠杆融资和更高级的债务的巨大的辛迪加贷款市场,也在比公众债券和股票市场的发展显得更为迅速。
- Official public holidays have increased, and there has been a large increase in the number of people out on tours. 法定节日假期增加,外出旅游人数大幅度增长。
- The author points out that it is inevitable trend to issue local public bonds to broaden financial resources for urban construction in Beijing after analysis on utility, possible consequences, and problems remain unsolved. 作者认为,扩大北京市城市建设资金来源,发行城市建设债券势在必行,并对市政债券的用途,发行债券可能带来的问题及需要解决的问题进行了分析。
- Taking the public bonded warehouse and modern information system as the flat. 公司以公共保税仓库和现代化信息系统为平台,开展国际物流等业务。
- South China Scenic Garden official responsible for the sales, The development phase "inundate valley" in 11 official public sale, the people flow, sales have substantially increased. 华南御景园销售负责人介绍,该楼盘二期“漫谷”在十一正式公开发售以来,现场人流量、销售量都有大幅度的增加。
- Brain Pathology is the official publication of International Society for Neuropathology. 大脑病理学:国际神经病理学会的官方出版物。
- New World China Going Public Bond 新世界中国上市债券
- Mr. Olmert's office declined comment until official publication of the report on Monday. But his aides say he will not resign. 总统办公室拒绝对此发表评论,直到官方的报告于周一公布。但总理的助理称总理不会辞职。
- Lichen bonded warehouse is only one public bonded warehouse in Linyi city, it had been permitted by Qingdao Customs. 立晨保税库是临沂市境内经青岛海关批准设立的唯一一家开展保税业务的公用型保税仓库。
- All appeals are heard in camera, but official publication of the hearings may be made in such a manner that the identity of the appellant is not disclosed. 所有上诉均闭门聆讯,但亦可以不透露上诉人身分的方式正式公布聆讯结果。
- Undertake the customs declaration, inspection declaration, distribution and other business for the goods of public bonded warehouse. 承办公共保税仓库货物的报关、报检、分拨等业务。