- official administration reform 实践
- This paper also pvesents two questions about establishing a complete law of official administration and "core" of cadre appointment which to be discussed with vea... 文中还对“建立完备的机关行政法规”及干部任用的“核心”等两个问题进行了讨论。
- In the overall administrative reform, Executive Council will also be changed. 在整个政制改革当中,行政会议成员亦大换班。
- The nature of administrative reform is a kind of compulsory system change. 摘要行政改革本质是一种强制性的制度变迁。
- Under the current new circumstances, how to set up a credit system of academic administration has been widely concerned and has become the key point, hot point and rub for the current academic administration reform. 对我国高校学分制进行研究,己成为普遍关注的课题,成为当前教学管理制度改革的重点、热点和难点所在。
- As it advances into the third stage, China's administration reform will be faced with three tasks, which is the significant inspirations to us in the aspect of the law of dialectical negation. 随著行政体制改革最终进入其第三个阶段,我国行政体制改革将会面临著三大任务,这就是行政体制改革辩证否定规律给予我们的重要启迪。
- Butthen, the a series of problems arose, such as the lack of public service andgovernment"s interfering market economy excessively, so the government carried outa new round of administration reform. 其后,伴随着诸如公共服务供给不足、市场机制受到政府过多干预等一系列问题的出现,社会、民众对政府提出了更高的要求,新一轮政府改革启动。
- by virtuous rule official administration 以德治官
- To push forward governmental affairs open and carry out transparent administration is the inevitable trend of contemporary administration reform,also deserved deeds for modern government. 推行政务公开、实施透明行政,既是当代行政管理改革发展的必然趋势,也是现代政府的题中应有之义。
- The consolidation of feudal official administration was an important measure by the sagacious feudal emperors in China's history. Different emperors and officials had different ideas and measures and thus had different results in the administration. 吏治的整顿是中国古代贤明的封建君主采取的一项重要改革措施 ,不同的帝王和官吏 ,其思想、措施及效果各不相同。
- Administrative Reform In The United States: Is Reinvention Still Relevant And Does It Help Or Hurt? 美国行政改革:政府再造是否仍具意义?是助益抑或是伤害?
- Subject Two: Administrative Reform in the United States: Is Reinvention Still Relevant and Does It Help or Hurt? 主題二:美國行政改革:政府再造是否仍具意義?是助益抑或是傷害?
- Chinese administration reforms have two stages, namely mini-type government and Service-oriented Government. 摘要我国的行政改革分为两个阶段,即小型政府和服务型政府。
- However, we must recognize clearly the resistance in the law implement and its inhere defectiveness in public security administrative reform. 但是,《行政许可法》在贯彻实施中遇到的阻力和其本身的固有缺陷是我们在公安行政改革中必须清醒认识的。
- Official Administration during the Earlest Fifty years of Song 宋开国五十年之吏治
- Who is the boy in the official school cap? 那个戴校帽的男孩是谁?
- Dewey concentrated on administrative reform, cataloging, improving reference services, and expanding interlibrary loan facilities. 杜威将注意力集中于行政管理改革、编目、改进参考服务和扩充馆际互借设施。
- This article intends to reanalyze the obstacle and incentive of the administrative reform in the new way of system. analysis. 介绍了新制度经济学说的几个核心概念和理论;
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?
- The paper further forwards that e-governance is an administrative reform and an information restructuring based on management reprocess. 论文在综观全文的基础上进一步指出,电子政务是一场政务改革,是围绕管理流程重组而进行的信息结构重组;