- official Chinese values 中国官方价值观
- First, let's deal with the implausibility of the official Chinese statistics. 首先,让我们来分析难以置信的中国官方统计数字。
- First let's deal with the implausibility of the official Chinese statistics. 首先,让我们看看统计数字难以令人信服之处。
- Unusual alacrity and openness of the official Chinese media was a key factor. 中国官方媒体不同寻常的迅速和开放是其中的关键因素。
- This led the official Chinese media to dub Rio a “dishonourable woman”. 这使得中国媒体将力拓称为“不忠诚的女人。”
- This shows, hesperian values inner tie, and the Chinese values exterior tie. 由此可见,西方人重视内心约束,而中国人重视外部约束。
- The agency also developed writing aids and reference materials such as guidebooks on official Chinese writing. 此外,该署亦编制写作辅助工具和参考材料,例如出版政府公文写作手册。
- We must work hard to familiarise ourselves with the Chinese culture and get to know the Chinese values. 我们要努力地学习中国文化,认识中国的价值观念。
- We have had the honour of hosting in Creta Maris many official Chinese delegations visiting Crete.Among them, Mr. 我们有幸在白垩玛丽斯接待了诸多莅临克里特岛的中国代表团。
- Its business culture is based on Chinese values that are the dying remains of a feudalistic tradition and bureaucratic central planning. 商业文化是建立在由封建传统和官僚的计划经济遗留下来的价值观之上的。
- Saturday Official Chinese radio broadcasts include programs in Mongolian, Tibetan, Uighur, Kazakh, and Korean. 星期六国营的中文广播电台也播出蒙古语、藏语、维吾尔语、哈萨克语、和朝鲜语的节目。
- The official Chinese media has been unequivocal in its condemnation of North Korean actions. 中国官方媒体也毫不含糊地指责朝鲜的行动。
- These actions are consistent with Chinese values and beliefs that place the community's well being above the individual's rights. 他的做法,正符合华人视社会福祉高于个人权利的价值观和信念。
- These actions are consistent with Chinese values and beliefs that place the community's well-being above the individual's rights. 他的做法,正符合华人视社会福祉高于个人权利的价值观和信念。
- The Dalai Lama said Friday that the official Chinese media has used what he called "deceit and distorted images" to portray the recent unrest in Tibet. 达赖喇嘛星期五说,中国官方媒体使用他所称的“欺骗和歪曲事实的图像”来描绘西藏近期的动乱。
- To have a good understanding of what has happened and what will happen in China, it is absolutely necessary to know the basic Chinese values. 要正确把握中国已经发生和将要发生的事情,需要了解中国人民的基本价值观念。
- The medals, made of gold and jade, symbolize nobility and virtue and embody traditional Chinese values of ethics and honor. 由“金”、“玉”材质制成的奖牌象征着尊贵和美德,充分体现了中国传统的道德观、荣誉观。
- Today, living in an increasingly globalized world, I still look like a Chinese but I embrace no longer only traditional Chinese values. 生活在今天这个全球化的世界,我虽然仍是个中国人,我不再是只拥有传统的中国价值观念。
- Some of the Chinese gymnasts appeared to some observers to be underage, and what appeared to be official Chinese documents found on the Internet contradicted official statements. 在一些观察人士看来,部分中国体操选手似乎不够年龄,而在互联网上找到的一些疑似官方文件与官方声明相悖。
- The Global Han Couture Design competition seeks not only to present the beauty of traditional costumes, but to revive age-old Chinese values. 全球汉服回归设计大赛的目的不只是要呈现传统服装之美,还要复兴古老的中国文化价值。