- This is the only one official website of Jacky Cheung! 张学友官方网站!
- Welcome to the Official Website of the International Bilingual Association! 欢迎光临国际双语协会网站!
- The website looks similar to the official website of Barclays Bank Plc. 该网站与巴克莱银行的官方网站相似。
- Welcome to the official website of MM2 Department of Long Win House Studio ! 欢迎光临龙运部屋工作室MM2部的官方网站!
- The official website of the Nuclear Suppliers Group provides the full text of their export guidelines. 核子供应国集团的官方网站,里头提供了他们的出口纲要的所有文件。
- The website looks similar to the official website of Bank of Communications, Hong Kong Branch Bank of Communications. 该网站与交通银行香港分行的官方网站相似。交通银行香港分行已表明与该欺诈网站没有关系。
- The website looks similar to the official website of Lloyds TSB Bank plc, Hong Kong branch. 该网站与莱斯银行香港分行的官方网站相似。
- This is a official website of Ames, Iowa Water and Pollution Control Department. 描述:这个爱荷华州艾姆斯水污染防治部门的官方网站。
- Elizabeth George The official Website of mystery novelist Elizabeth George and her Inspector Lynley series. 她在事业发展初期替自己取名叫作ELIZABETH ARDEN,据说是二本她最喜爱的书得到的灵感。
- This is the official website of the Aquaculture Association of Canada - Association Aquacole du Canada (AAC). 这是加拿大水产协会(AAC)的公务网站。
- Bill Gates, the head of the Microsoft corporation, plans to Visit Moscow on November 7, says the official website of the corporation. 据微软官方网站称;微软总裁比尔盖茨计划在11月7日访问莫斯科.
- Holmes, Larry - Official website of this heavyweight champion, includes biography, ring record, photos and autographed items for sale. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- For more details, please visit the official website of Taiwan Lohas Animal Association: www.laa.org.tw or call: 03-2128327. 详细办法请民众上台湾乐活动物协会查询.;网址/www
- Reinstall the system after the computer voice distortion, I use from the official website of the sound card driver, but pretend not on. 您的位置:我也知道>电脑/网络>操作系统/系统故障>重装系统后电脑声音失真,我就用从官方网站下载的声卡驱动,但装不上。
- While the European Commission sponsors and supports the initiative, the eHealth Procurers Forum is not an official website of the government body. 尽管欧盟赞助并支持该动议,电子医疗购买方论坛却不是政府机构的官方网站。
- You guys may go to the official website of UC Berkley whose MFE is very top in USA, it says:" it is very hard to get a job for international student. "在美国,持有金融工程硕士学位的人才在市场上炙手可热,基本上全部被各大投资银行、基金管理公司、保险公司、风险投资公司所聘用。"
- Check out the official website of the Hong Kong International Airport to learn about the facilities and services available, and make your air journey a pleasant one. 你可在此进入香港国际机场的官方网站,了解其设施及服务,让你的空中旅程更愉快。
- A link connects you to each hotel's official website and enables you to make your booking either through hotels-paris. Fr or on the website of the hotel. 链接将您与每个酒店的网站连接;使您可以通过hotels-paris.;fr订房;或是通过酒店自己的网站订房。
- And then during this hour he manages to hack the official website of Astana City Hall, while the soldiers, protecting all places of this kind, are vigilantly watching him. 然后在这一时段他负责管理,以哈克官方网站阿斯塔纳大会堂,而士兵,保护所有工作场所,这种正警觉地看着他。
- The official website of A.C.Milan sends heartfelt best wishes to all Rossoneri fans, all sportspeople and their families, for a serene and positive Christmas. 米兰官方网站衷心的祝福:所有红黑球迷、所有喜爱运动的人们以及他们的家人度过一个宁静祥和的圣诞节。