- All the officers and ratings were invited. 全体海军官兵都受到邀请。
- Are training seminars provided on board for officers and ratings? 船上为所有船员提供定期的船上培训吗?
- All officers and ratings must be capable Of using breathing apparatus on board. 所有高级船员和普通船员都必须会用船上呼吸器。
- Are junior officers and ratings rotated on ships of similar class within company fleet? 在公司船队里,普通的高级船员和定员是否以相同的等级轮换?
- All officers and ratings must be familiar with the stowage position of breathing apparatus. 所有高级船员和普通船员都应该熟知呼吸器的存放处。
- Hong Kong is a centre for employing well-trained seafarers. Some 870 Hong Kong officers and ratings serve on foreign-going ships flying flags of more than 17 different maritime administrations. 香港是聘用训练有素海员的中心,约有870名香港注册高级船员和普通船员,在超过17个不同海事机关旗下的远洋船舶上工作。
- In our camp all the officers and soldiers mess together. 在我们的营地,全体官兵都在一起吃饭。
- The ship's captain commands all the officers and men. 舰长统率舰上全体官兵。
- Royal Air Force Officers and Other Ranks. 皇家空军官员及其他军阶。
- Many officers and soldiers on leave received calls. 很多休假的官兵接到电话。
- I will go round to his office and have a talk to him. 我要到他的办事处去跟他谈一谈。
- The junior officers and NCOs suffered most. 下级军官和军士蒙受损失更烈。
- Name, volume, period, and rate of the loaned securities. 一出借有价证券之名称、数量、期间及费率。
- Cadres of the PLA include officers and non-ranking cadres. 人民解放军的干部包括军官和文职干部。
- The boss called him to the office and sent him packing. 老板把他叫到办公室,叫他另谋生计。
- The dragoon officers and Foker clapped their hands furiously. 龙骑兵军官和福克发疯似地鼓掌。
- Attention: Management free and rates are excluded! 注意:不包管理费及差餉!
- Tantalum anode oxidating reaction and rate control steps are determined. 提出了钽的氧化反应式及反应控制步骤;
- The man went to another offic and was shown into the manger's room. 这人去了另一家保险公司,被带进了经理室。
- Go to the office and ask for the secretary . 到办公室找秘书去。