- The ship's captain commands all the officers and men. 舰长统率舰上全体官兵。
- The captain of a ship commands all the officers and men. 舰长统率舰上全体官兵。
- Officers and men perform their assigned duties conscientiously. 将士用命。
- They tried to sow dissension between officers and men. 他们对国民党军官和士兵进行离间。
- It remains our principle to inculcate our officers and men with such beliefs. 对我们军队来说,有坚定的信念现在仍然是一个建军的原则,
- The necessary legal training should be given to all officers and men. 对全军指战员都要进行必要的法制教育。
- Officers and men of the guard team are escorting a Chinese diplomat. 警卫组官兵正在护送外交官。
- Answer to the officers and men like thunder reverberated Shan Hu Hai Ying. 官兵们的回答似惊雷回荡,山呼海应。
- "Finally together with other captured officers and men of martyrdom. 最后同其他被俘将士一同就义。
- I therefore want to express our thanks to the PLA officers and men for their handling of the rebellion. 所以,我要感谢解放军指战员用这种态度来对待暴乱事件。
- I extend my cordial greetings to all your officers and men who have taken part in the struggle. 对所有参加这场斗争的解放军指战员、武警指战员和公安干警的同志们致以亲切的问候!
- He was concerned with that work and with the political and ideological education of officers and men. 他一贯关心干部战士的政治思想教育,关心政治工作建设。
- The 1st Canadian division had not been in action before and officers and men were just beginning to find their feet. 加拿大第一师从未投入过战斗,他们的官兵正在熟悉环境。
- Officers and men at the front are shedding their blood and sacrificing their lives. 前线将士,牺牲流血。
- Release all officers and men taken prisoner during the Southern Anhwei Incident and return all their arms. 十、释放皖南所有被捕兵员,发还所有枪枝;
- Also many officers and men have fallen ill from malnutrition,exposure to cold or other causes. 由于营养不足、受冻和其他原因,官兵病的很多。
- With us,on the contrary,officers and men are at one on the political aim of the War of Resistance. 我们相反,抗日战争的政治目的是官兵一致的。
- All the officers and ratings were invited. 全体海军官兵都受到邀请。
- Intensify the political training of officers and men and especially the education of ex-prisoners. 加紧官兵的政治训练,特别是对俘虏成分的教育要加紧。
- Juno begged it as a gift. What could the king of gods and men do? 朱诺请求朱庇特把牛送给她做礼物,众神和人类之王有什么办法可想呢?