- Set up a home or small office network. 设置一个家庭或小型办公网络。
- Connect to an existing home or small office network or set up a new one. 连接到一个现有的家庭或小型办公网络,或者设置一个新的。
- The office network allows users to share files and software, and to use a central printer. 办公室网络让用户共享文件和软件,并使用中央打印机。
- They make it possible to jump onto the office network and check your mail no matter where you happen to be at the moment. 这样,不管当时你在何处,它们都能使你接通办公室的网络和查检你的邮件。
- In just moments, share documents across your office network with the KODAK Scan Station 100. 柯达扫描工作站100只需很短的时间即可让您在办公室网络中分享文档。
- Incoming faxes are quickly and easily delivered to registered individual user or group names via your office network. 通过办公室的网络,外来的传真件可迅速简单地分发至已登记之个别用户或群组。
- Type a name for the network to which you are connecting (such as "My Office Network"), and then click Next. 为要连接的网络键入一个名称(例如,“我的办公室网络”),然后单击下一步。
- Are you still suffering from the routine and trifling office network system maintenance? 还受困于琐碎的日常办公网络系统维护工作吗?
- Currently, Yu Jin Yong had back in the Lotus pond Syli the Super love office network. 目前,禹晋永已经搬回了位于莲花池西里的凯爱网络办公。
- Connectivity between the factory and the A Office network, should be through a single connection. 工厂与A公司办公网络的连通性,应该是通过单一连接来实现的。
- A student in the Cisco network class has designed a small office network to enable hosts to access the Internet. 一位学生在鱼曹白鱼之类网络班级中有设计一个小的办公室网络使主人能够存取英特网。
- A VPN is a method of connecting to a private network (for example, your office network) by way of a public network (for example, the Internet). VPN是一种借助公用网络(例如Internet)连接专用网络(例如您的办公室网络)的方法。
- You have successfully set up this computer for home or small office networking. 您已经成功地为家庭或小型办公网络设置了这台计算机。
- Sporting Gijon draw the first 54 minutes of a city, into the restricted area to the right-Baral, unguarded Mateo former point shot 8 yards Office network. 希洪竞技第54分钟扳回一城,巴拉尔突入禁区右侧传中,无人防守的马特奥前点8码处射门入网。
- But, what if you could take the key contents of your office PC, and much of its look and feel, anywhere, without lugging a laptop or logging in to your office network? 但是,如果把公司电脑里的重要内容,以及属于这台电脑里的风格和感觉,带到任何地方而不必拎著手提电脑跑来跑去或登陆到公司网络,情况如何呢?
- Based on the analysis of office network data flow we lay stress on the arboreous security state machine model which befits the office network of army or government. 探讨机关办公网络的数据流特点,并提出一种适合部队和政府机关办公网络的树状安全状态机模型。
- Routine office work is my bread and butter. 日常的办公室工作是我的谋生之道。
- For instance, there already are packages such as cc:Mail that allow remote access to office networks. 例如,已经存在的软件包,如cc:Mail允许远地访问办公室网络。
- She is a receptionist in a doctor's office. 她在一位医生的诊所中担任接待员。
- For instance,there already are packages such as cc:Mail that allow remote access to office networks. 例如,已经存在的软件包,如cc:Mail允许远地访问办公室网络。