- offering and going on market 发行上市
- He tears up the summons and go on holiday to spain. 他撕碎了传票并去西班牙度假。
- The street lights go on when it gets dark and go off at midnight. 街灯在天黑时点亮,半夜熄灭。
- She nodded smiled, and went on stitching. 她点点头,笑了笑,继续缝衣服。
- He hates leaving the office and going on holiday. 他不愿离开办公室去度假。
- I packed my traps and went on shore. 我收拾好行李上了岸。
- Stop talking and go on with your work. 别讲话了,接着干活吧。
- We go to meetings and go on sales calls. 我们参加会议并进行电话推销。
- Let's take ten and go on working then. 让我们小憩片刻再继续工作吧。
- After a short rest, they took up their knapsacks and went on. 休息了一会儿之后,他们又背起背包上路了。
- Walk past the science laboratory and go on. 经过科学实验室,然后一直走。
- Take my advice and go on a diet. 听我的建议,赶紧节食。
- Mark: They hit thirty and go on a manhunt. 马克:她们一到三十岁就开始四处找对象。
- Come down, and go on being neighbourly. 意大利人总是风度翩翩,”有点多愁善感的梅格说。
- Mark fought off his desire to sleep and went on with his work. 马克驱赶了睡意,继续工作。
- Go on, let's get some glo-sticks and go and dance. 来吧,我们带上一些荧光棒去跳舞怎样?
- He stayed one night in a motel and went on travelling. 他在一家汽车旅馆呆了一晚上,就又接着旅行了。
- They brushed it off as a fluke and went on their merry ways. 他们就没把它当回事儿,接着开心地谈别的去了。
- The men took heart from their leader's words and went on to win the battle. 人们从领袖的话中得到了鼓励,继续为赢得这场战役而战。
- She fought off her drowsiness and went on with her reading. 她尽力驱赶睡意,继续读书。