- Be ruled by time, the wisest counselor of all. 听命于时间吧!它是所有顾问中最高明的。
- Testing Students: New Form of Segregation? 学生测试:新的种族隔离主义?
- Velocity has the dimensions of length divided by time. 速度为长度除以时间的量纲
- But a lot of times, we are bounded by time. 与此同时,美国人也被时间绑住了。
- For example, the first offense of a crime may be a misdemeanor. 比如说,初犯可能轻判。
- For example, the first offense of a crime may be a misdemeanor . 然而,同样的犯罪,根据所犯罪的程度不同可能是重罪也可能是轻罪。
- The dimension for speed is length divided by time. 速度是长度除以时间。
- We can't accept a payment by time draft. 我们不能接受远期汇票这种支付方式。
- This historic ruling ended racial segregation by allowing black children to go to the same schools as white children. 这个具有历史意义的判决允许黑人儿童和白人儿童同校学习,终结了种族教育隔离。
- Anger can be cured by time; but hatred cannot. 愤怒可由时间治愈,仇恨则不可能。
- The inscription has been effaced by time. 碑文因年久剥蚀殆尽
- Your patience is tested by time. 时间将考验你的耐心。
- Judging by the information of a suburb, it does cause some effect of segregation. 从一个城郊镇的材料看,这种隔离效应是存在的。
- The offense of willfully maiming or crippling a person. 身体伤害罪故意伤害或致使他人肢体致残的犯罪
- If is because our love defeated by time. 原来我们的爱情败给了岁月。
- They were tired to death of segregation and of being kicked around. 他们十分厌恶种族隔离和总是被人踢来踢去。
- I anD mY happINesS, sEpaRAted bY TIme anD dIStanCe. ?和??A幸福。隔着时间和距离。
- The criminal offense of marrying one person while still legally married to another. 重婚罪在与一人有合法婚姻的同时与另一个人结婚的犯罪行为
- New; recent; unfaded; uninjured by time. 新的;新近的;未凋褪的;未舊損的。
- To commit the fraudulent offense of voting more than once in a single election. 重复投票在一次选择中违法性地多于一次投票