- For example, the first offense of a crime may be a misdemeanor. 比如说,初犯可能轻判。
- He is found guilty of disrupting the marriage of a serviceman. 他犯有破坏军婚罪。
- For example, the first offense of a crime may be a misdemeanor . 然而,同样的犯罪,根据所犯罪的程度不同可能是重罪也可能是轻罪。
- The offense of willfully maiming or crippling a person. 身体伤害罪故意伤害或致使他人肢体致残的犯罪
- The criminal offense of marrying one person while still legally married to another. 重婚罪在与一人有合法婚姻的同时与另一个人结婚的犯罪行为
- To commit the fraudulent offense of voting more than once in a single election. 重复投票在一次选择中违法性地多于一次投票
- The offense of persistently instigating lawsuits,typically groundless ones. 诉讼挑唆持续不断地挑唆诉讼(尤指没有理由的诉讼)的违法行为
- The offense of persistently instigating lawsuits, typically groundless ones. 诉讼挑唆持续不断地挑唆诉讼(尤指没有理由的诉讼)的违法行为
- But Rolex thrived in the face of disruptive technologies. 但劳力士在面临破坏性技术的蓬勃发展.
- We continue to pursue our policy of disrupting those who proliferate weapons of mass destruction. 我们继续执行组织部分人散播大规模杀伤性武器的政策。
- The trial was a travesty of justice. 这次审判嘲弄了法律的公正性。
- Flooding the forum with posts - or bumping old threads - with the intent of disrupting the forum is prohibited. 为达到扰乱论坛的目的;用大量的帖子刷屏;或者顶大量老的帖子;是被禁止的.
- The criminal purpose of this crime is revenge others or hegemony or the other purposes of disrupting the public order. 聚众斗殴罪的犯罪目的是指“报复他人、争霸一方和其他扰乱社会公共秩序的不正当目的”。
- His trial was a travesty of justice. 对他进行审判是对正义的歪曲。
- Tropical storms and hurricanes are capable of disrupting the physical structure of the water column and aerating the bottom layer. 热带暴风和龙捲风能够打破海洋垂直水层的结构,将氧气带入海洋最底层。
- They are consistent with the offense of dereliction of duty, accepted bribes of special status, commercial bribery with the main elements of the crime. 他们既符合渎职罪中受贿罪的特殊身份,又具备商业受贿罪的主体要件。
- I won't dispute the justice of his remarks. 我不怀疑他的话是公平合理的。
- In recent years, there are more and more negligence crimes in these fields, especially the offense of vocational negligence. 近些年来,这些行业领域的过失犯罪,尤其是业务过失犯罪越来越多。
- Brothers, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished. 弟兄们,我若仍旧传割礼,为什麽还受逼迫呢?若是这样,那十字架讨厌的地方就没有了。
- The trial was a caricature of justice. 这次审判是对正义的滑稽模仿。