- He is a man of consequence in the Labour Party. 他是工党中举足轻重的人物。
- Lack of consequence; insignificance. 毫无意义,无价值或用处
- Suddenly raised to a position of consequence. 骤贵的突然提升到重要位置的
- The difference is not of consequence. 此差别是无关紧要的。
- For example, the first offense of a crime may be a misdemeanor. 比如说,初犯可能轻判。
- For example, the first offense of a crime may be a misdemeanor . 然而,同样的犯罪,根据所犯罪的程度不同可能是重罪也可能是轻罪。
- He may be a man of consequence (ie an important man or man of high rank) in his own country, but he's nobody here. 他在自己的国家中尽管举足轻重,但在此地却毫不显眼。
- This forum invited physical scientists of consequence in the world. 这次论坛邀请了世界上有重要地位的物理学家。
- These are all the animals of consequence which frequent it now. 常到这里来的飞禽,已全部包罗在内了。
- Heedless of consequences; carefree. 随心所欲的不顾及后果的; 无拘无束的
- The offense of willfully maiming or crippling a person. 身体伤害罪故意伤害或致使他人肢体致残的犯罪
- The criminal offense of marrying one person while still legally married to another. 重婚罪在与一人有合法婚姻的同时与另一个人结婚的犯罪行为
- To commit the fraudulent offense of voting more than once in a single election. 重复投票在一次选择中违法性地多于一次投票
- Changes in the tax law are of consequence to all investors). 税法中的变化对于所有投资者来说都十分重要)。
- The offense of persistently instigating lawsuits,typically groundless ones. 诉讼挑唆持续不断地挑唆诉讼(尤指没有理由的诉讼)的违法行为
- The offense of persistently instigating lawsuits, typically groundless ones. 诉讼挑唆持续不断地挑唆诉讼(尤指没有理由的诉讼)的违法行为
- The relation of consequent to antecedent;deduction. 推理前后因果关系;推理
- Heedless of consequences;carefree. 随心所欲的不顾及后果的;无拘无束的
- Marriages of consequence, and none but those, will be hailed with joyful peals. 重要的婚姻,也只有重要的婚姻才会用欢快的钟声庆祝。
- He may be a man of consequence in his own village, but he is nobody here. 他在自己村里也许算个要人, 但在这里却不足道。