- His brother's failure took the edge off his own success. 他哥哥的失败冲淡了他自己成功的喜悦。
- Smith has left the company and is now on his own bat. 史密斯离开了那家公司,现在独立开业。
- Joe palmed off his own painting as a Rembrandt. 乔将自己的画伪称是雷姆卜兰特的画卖出。
- off his own batadv. 凭自己的力量(独立地)
- In exasperation he took off his own hat and flung it to the ground. 他大发雷霆,把头上戴的帽子摔到了地上。
- The mountain climber is known for cutting off his own hand to save himself. 那名登山者因砍掉自己的手臂自救而出了名。
- Have you done all this work off your own bat? 这些工作都是你独立完成的吗?
- The rogue evidently intends to return to his own country, thinking he has thrown the police off his track. 福克这流氓,看样子还真的是要回到英国去,他以为警察厅已经被他蒙过了。
- A man took a pair of scissors and snipped off his own member after a falling out with his girlfriend. 一个男人在和女友吵架后用剪刀把自己的搭档给剪下来了。
- Now Clarke has told Chelsea TV: “Joe is okay. He has got the brace off his leg. He is moving around on his own. 克拉克已经告知切尔西电视台:“乔科尔还不错。他已经脱下了拐杖。他可以自行走动了。”
- He then took off his own coat, and ordering the servants to tie him up, knelt down on the snow covered ground beside his son. 于是他也光了脊梁,让人把自己绑上,跪在儿子旁边。
- Erpen did his best to help him by intercepting and nutmegging his own goalkeeper and Robinson was superb in getting back and clearing off his own line. 厄本尽力把球截了下来并回传守门员,但是差点造成失误,罗宾逊飞速跑回,很出色地把球从门线上清了出去。
- I've written to the Prime Minister off my own bat. 是我自己主动写信给首相的。
- He was everywhere, fought for every ball, came back to take it off his own players when he felt that the tempo needed upping. 德罗巴在场上无处不在,追逐着每个球,当他感觉需要提高比赛的节奏时,他会回到中场帮助队友拿球接应。
- Clarke told the club's official website: "Joe is okay. He has got the brace off his leg. He is moving around on his own. 克拉克告诉俱乐部,“乔科尔没什么问题,他的腿已经进行了固定,现在可以自己行走。”
- John tried to work off the story as his own. 约翰想冒称这个故事是他写的。
- The contrast is between the silkiness of the broad bean and the artful civil servant's ability to cream off his own source of profits, "pinching cash like silk from cocoons". 这幅画的题诗解释道,观赏者不应认为"heavenlovessilkenthreads"(中文大意:天上爱丝线)这是拿蚕豆的柔软讽刺狡猾的政府官员为自己牟利,"pinchingcashlikesilkfromcocoons"(中文大意:敲诈勒索,就像从蚕茧抽丝)。
- I didn't have to ask her; she volunteered off her own bat. 我没有必要请她,她是自愿主动的。
- He eld off his departure until his sister had come. 他推迟行期直到他妹妹来后才走。
- This country was able to win the war off its own bat. 这个国家能依靠自己的力量打赢这场战争。