- They seldom let their weapons out of their hands. 他们的武器很少离手。
- They welcomed us with a wave of their hands. 他们挥手欢迎我们。
- Khalifa completely become a puppet of their hands. 哈里发完全成为他们手中的傀儡。
- Neville zaps both their wands out of their hands. 纳威使他们俩的魔杖同时从手中飞出。
- There was a brief kiss of their hands in passing. 由于匆忙他们只能以轻碰代替握手作为礼貌问候。
- Our ancestors merely made use of their hands to change nature. 我们的祖先只凭双手改造自然。
- The defeated nation conceded some of their hand to the enemy. 占败国把一部分领土割让给敌人。
- You will recompense them, O Lord, According to the work of their hands. 哀3:64耶和华阿、要按著他们手所作的、他们施行报应。
- Then they sought again to seize Him, yet He went forth out of their hand. 他们又想要捉拿他,他却从他们的手中走出来了。
- Servants have ruled over us: there was none to redeem us out of their hand. 原是奴隶的人,竟然统治我们,但没有人解救我们,脱离他们的手。
- Children love to ball snow up in their hands. 小孩子们喜欢将雪在手里做成球儿。
- Of what use was the strength of their hands to me, since their vigor had gone from them? 他们壮年的气力既已衰败,其手之力与我何益呢?
- The book is a compendium of their poetry, religion and philosophy. 这本书是他们诗歌、宗教和哲学的概略。
- People still wave their hands in front of their faces, in order to get rid of flies. 人们仍然在脸前挥手赶苍蝇。
- The imminence of their exams made them work harder. 考试即将来临,迫使他们更用功了。
- And they made a calf in those days and brought up a sacrifice to the idol and were glad with the works of their hands. 当那些日子,他们造了一个牛犊,又拿祭物献给那偶像,并因自己手中的工作而欢乐。
- The news of their marriage knocked me for a loop. 他们结婚的消息使我大吃一惊。
- Their land is full of idols; they bow down to the work of their hands, to what their fingers have made. 他们的地满了偶像;他们跪拜自己手所造的,就是自己指头所做的。
- Any of various card games played by two or more players who bet on the value of their hands. 扑克牌戏一种纸牌游戏,由两名或更多的在其手中牌的价值上下赌的人玩的
- How they long to get a sight of their native land! 他们多么渴望看一看故乡啊!